Yumna Hanifa Adiwijaya

Adith who ride the motorcycle fast enough to make Alisya couldn't help but hold Adith's waist tightly. Adith smiled with satisfaction when he felt Alisya's hand on his waist.

"Hold on tight, I'll speed this up again so we don't miss the opening ceremony." Adith said holding Alisya's hand warmly so that Alisya would tighten her grip on Adith's waist.

The seat of the motorcycle that was slightly bent down made it quite difficult for Alisya to sit and not lean on Adith. But because of shame, she chose to stay in her position so that her back felt sore because of it.

Adith who understands Alisya's situation, he then pulls one right hand to hug him deeper while he releases the other so that Alisya can spread her hand behind Adith to put some distance between his chest and Adith's back.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the opening ceremony.