Remember Our Goal

"Priiiit priiiittt prrriiiit...." The whistle sounded as the sign of the first match was about to start. Adith still couldn't focus because he couldn't see Alisya anywhere in the audience. There were only Karin and the others there along with Mrs. Vivian.

"Akiko, where is Alisya? Why haven't I seen her yet?" Adith shouted to Akiko who was on the seat near their coach.

"Alisya went to the hospital to see Arka, she should be back in a while." Akiko replied half shouting closer to the sidelines.

"Adith, you have to focus on this match first. I'm sure Alisya will be back soon. Don't disappoint her with your attitude." said Zein trying to remind Adith who was still looking outside the field when they were ready to play.

"Remember our goal to keep this game going." Riyan firmly patted Adith's shoulder hard to wake him up.

"Looks like you guys will end up the same as your friends' before." said an opponent they had never met before.