
"Wow... Crazy!!! This match is really exciting, they play using two tactics at once." said Adora excitedly.

"They play by attacking and defending at the same time. The tactics that can only be done if you trust your friends. Besides, of course, this tactic will drain a lot of energy." explained Karin who saw her friends had started to lose their strength a little because of fatigue.

Those who have succeeded in raising the score to 30 points for Cendekia Indonesia High School and 35 points for Tunggal Ika High School made Adith and the others more enthusiast.

"It's about time we gave them a real basketball lesson." said Eros while moving his head left and right to loosen his joints.

"I can't believe that we have to bring out our real strength to play this basketball. Well, 65% seems like enough to make them aware." Raffa's aura increased instantly which made Alisya even more alert as well as Karin and Ryu.