Are You Dreaming

Confused, Alisya immediately went upstairs leaving all of them who were already excited. Before leaving, Alisya had heard that Adith's dad and mom would find a good time and day so that they can come to hold their engagement.

"Hufffft... I can't believe time flies so fast. I thought Adith could only be naughty and annoying, I didn't think that he has the courage to do that." Alisya mumbled lying down on her soft bed.

Whenever she feels tired of life, Alisya always misses her bed. For some reason, when she lay on her bed she could feel an incomparable comfort that could knock out all her fatigue for the whole day.

"Is this real? Or am I just dreaming? I was proposed by Radithya Azura Narendra, the number 1 handsome and genius boy in Indonesia with his unrealistic face." Alisya muttered once again pinching her own cheeks because she felt she was in dreamland.