Papaya Leaves

The behavior of the two of them immediately made them all laugh. Karin and Alisya's father who had returned gave them time to spend time together before going home.

"Friends..." Alisya who was at the back hesitantly stopped them because she wanted to say something.

They simultaneously turned to look at Alisya which made Alisya look down, unable to say anything because her throat felt dry and she even had difficulty swallowing her own saliva.

Even though they knew what Alisya was doubting and what she wanted to say, they remained silent waiting for Alisya to say it herself.

"Forgive me for avoiding you for these few days, I kept running away and didn't dare to face you just because I was afraid of your judgment changing towards me." explained Alisya with a heavy tone.

"But now I don't care what you think of me because I can't stop caring about you, even if you hate me or someday think of me as a monster." he added with a deep sigh.