Wake Up

**Wake Up**

"Why are you two coming home so late?" Grandma Alisya opened the door and was surprised to see Alisya and Ryu looking exhausted and still wearing their scout uniforms.

"Today at school there was a lot of enrichment material, Grandma. Finally, I can sleep soundly today because tomorrow is Sunday," replied Alisya, lying down on the sofa, followed by Ryu, who looked equally tired.

They had spent several weeks at school participating in afternoon additional learning guidance. That day was their last day of enrichment, so Alisya felt very relieved because at least they were given a week to rest while doing simple simulations in preparation for the upcoming computer-based exams.

"Alright, then you two go take a shower and eat. Grandma won't let you sleep before you eat." Alisya knew well that her grandmother's command was absolute, but her eyes were already heavy with sleep.