Go Away

Alisya, along with Adith and the rest of their friends, had returned to school without the faculty knowing they had just skipped thanks to Aurelia and the others providing such a convincing excuse.


"Where's Karin? Why isn't she with you?" Adora asked when she saw Alisya returning without Karin.


"What about Rinto and the others?" Aurelia asked worriedly, immediately rushing to Alisya's side.


"Don't worry, they're fine. Karin is currently taking care of them," Alisya replied casually.


"That's a relief. The simulation will continue tomorrow, so we can go home early today," Emi said, feeling very enthusiastic about going home.


"Oh yes, we can leave early to look for clothes at your mom's boutique," Feby said, looking at Gina, who was arguing with Gani.


"Okay, I'm ready to accompany you guys, as I'm also going to Alisya's event," Gina immediately threw Gani's phone harshly to end their fight.