Chapter 4


6th June 20××

7:45 P.M

Smith's Residence

Angel's Point of View


That momemt where your heart was beating fast, cold sweats occupy your forehead and the fear you feel was inevitable. You got your stalker's phone hoping that you might get one information from it. And then you opened the lockscreen you saw nothing but — a freaking unicorn on the lockscreen. 

I sighed out of relief. If this was one non-serious event, I would have laughed my heart out. But no, it was'nt! Then an idea came rushing inside my mind.

This might help me. If this has a unicorn lockscreen, maybe the owner is a girl. A girl who loves unicorns. But why would that creepy stalker — let's just call that motorcycle driver who followed me and Dimian a while ago that way — have this phone if this belongs to his boss?

Ugh. Why do I keep on arguing with myself if I can just open the phone? I sighed once again and swiped the screen of the phone up. And unluckily — it has a password. Which I did'nt expect. Of course, the owner must be someone confidential that it has to be hidden. I tried a random pass twice. I entered Unicornme143. Wrong password. Unicornlovesme. Wrong password. And there it goes. The hint.

'Saint I am not. Valentines, I remember not. Feast, I shall not. Day, I forgotten not. 3 subtracted from 4, choose the first.'

That is what's written. 3 subtracted from 4, choose the first? 3 subtracted from 4 is 1. Choose the first? What first? How is it related. I read and analyzed the hint for about five times.

'Saint I am not. Valentines, I remember not. Feast, I shall not. Day, I forgotten not. 3 subtracted from 4, choose the first.'

'Saint I am not. Valentines, I remember not. Feast I shall not. Day, I forgotten  not. 3 subtracted from 4, choose the first.'

'Saint I am not. Valentines, I remember not. Feast, I shall not. Day, I forgotten not. 3 subtracted from 4, choose the first.'

'Saint I am not. Valentines, I remember not. Feast, I shall not. Day, I forgotten not. 3 subtracted from 4, choose the first. '

'Saint I am not. Valentines, I remember not. Feast, I shall not. Day, I forgotten not. 3 subtracted from 4, choose the first.'

4-3 = 1

Choose the first.

Saint I am not.

Saint I am not


Valentines, I remeber not.

Valentines, I remember not


Feast, I shall not.

Feast I shall not


Day, I forgotten not

Day, I forgotten not


Aha! Saint Valentine's Feast Day! Finally! After 3 minutes of thinking! If I am correct, Saint Valentine's Feast Day is February 14. So, that means the password is 0214!

I entered the 4 digits. I closed my eyes and felt the phone vibrated. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the phone succesfully opened. I grinmed from ear to ear and stood up. I jumped up and down my bed and sat down after a few. I breathed in and out.

I scanned the inside apps of the phone. Typical phone, I say.  There are the galleries, music players, settings, the only difference is, it doesnt have any games and other applications at all. 'Til my eyes landed on the last page or slide of the desktop.

"Forgotten Nightmares?" A note at the screen entitled as Forgotten Nightmares. My say? Undeniably Weird. Why? Simple.

How can she right these stuffs or shall I say "Nightmares" if she has already forgotten it? Plus, why bother and write it. What's even weirder is myself. I have this feeling or urge in myself saying that I should read this. Summat seems to pull me and myself to read what ever is written in it!

Wait, am I already invading somebody's privacy? I mean yes, I am from the first place. This isnt mine! But, I use this to get information. Information of whoever is my stalker or even their boss! I mean, what if there's something written in here? Like, clues, schedules, plans or even names. I sighed and decided to open the note.

'Forgotten Nightmares'

I dreamt of something again. It's me. Im a part of it. There's this girl that I always help. But I cant see her face. It all seems like a blur. Though she really seems familiar. Okay, back to the topic. Whenever someone bullies her, I always tend to help. Know what's weird? It seems like I am always obliged to help her. I've been telling all these things to my mom. And that's why I have this. My mom said I should write them all down. She said, I should have atleast a diary. But, doesnt it stink to have a diary? So, what I did is I partly agreed to what she said. I wrote them all down, all the nightmares, but not on a diary, but on my phone. My mom said that if ever I have one already, I should keep it a secret. I dont know why. And then she also said that I should entitle it 'FORGOTTEN NIGHTMARES'.  Weird right?  So what I did is I bought another secret phone. With password. So if whoever you are, if you are reading this, please. Help me. If you are experiencing the same thing, I hope you know a solution to my problem and answers to my questions.

Wait, wait, wait! Nightmares? Blur images? Familiar Faces? Bullied Girl? She's been dreaming of the same thing? I guess I really need to meet her. Maybe we can investigate together. Right.

Suddenly, I felt a feeling of drowsiness invading my body. I rubbed my eyes and put the phone in one of my drawers. I looked at the clock. 8:00 P.M. I lied down and began to sleep. Hello, dreamworld!


"Giya? K ka lang?"  I was stunned for a moment. An unexplainable feeling crept inside me. Amazement? Maybe. Shock? Probably. Touched? Surely. I mean, who wouldnt be? There were big balloons on the corners of the gymnasium. A man was at the stage. He was the one who asked me if I am alright from the microphone. I looked at him intently. His face, it was all . . . Blurred.

I walked towards his direction with both my hands clasped on my mouth. I took the flowers from his hand. He took a step backward. Just then, the background music started to play.

Mula mg makilala ka,

Lagi na lamang naiisip ka

Ang 'yong ganda'y naiiba

At sana ang lahat ay tunay na

No! His voice... His voice... It's familiar. I've... I've heard it before! I closed my eyes. I hel my hurting head and sat down at the ground. My breathing came fast, my heart was like its going to explode any minute now. Just then, the music started to fade. When the music stopped, I opened my eyes.

I'm inside a comfort room. I saw three persons facing me. The one on the front was crossing her arms on her chest while smirking. The one on the right side of her back was raising her brows at me while holding her phone. She was smiling; a plastic and crazy one. The one on the left side of her back was leaning on the wall while chewing up a lollipop. She had no expressions on her face. Its weird though. Their faces are all blurd but I know what expressions they are wearing. I felt my heart beating fast. I sighed and just stared at them. The one on the front said something.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Malanding higad. Do you know l kung ano ang makakapag-remove ng germs sa body mo? Simple, girl. Safeguard!" After that I felt the cold water making my body wetm I felt the shivers running down my spine. The two girls on her back threw the liquid Safeguard on me and the three of them laughed sarcastically.

"Well, mukhang hindi effective ang Safeguard sa'yo. Malandi ka pa din eh. Malandi to the highest level." The girl chewing up a lollipop said. She shook her head and gave me a smug look. She yawned and combed her hair with her fingers.

"Absolutely. First, you're flirting with my soon to be boyfriend. Next, you hugged the heaven sent transferee which is my bestfriend's crush. Lastly, just hours later you started dating the Queen Bee's fiancé. What a total slut!" The girl on the right said and rolled her eyes. She threw her phone in the air and brushed her hair to tue back of her ear. Completely showing her expensive earing. My gaze was shifted to the girl on the front when she coughed.

"You're so kadiri naman eh. You know naman na he's my fiancé but you still dated. This is my last warning. Bye, b*tch!" She said wavibg her arms. She pushed me towards the sude and flipped her hair making it brush to my face. The three of them giggled and started to walk away. 

I sighed and closed my eyes hardly. But I was surprised with the sight I saw when I open my eyes. It was, a plaza? There were a lot of couples at the sidewalk. Booths were spread. I flinched when a person hugged me from behind and rested his chin on my shoulder. I looked at that person from over my shoulder. It was the same person who sang a song for me. I sighed and closed my eyes. I didnt even try to push him. I felt comfortable. I felt safe. I felt . . . Loved. He handed me something. I looked at it and was surprised. Fudgee Bar! My . . . favorite food. How did he know?

"It's your comfort food right?" I nodded and opened it. I took a bite and it smelled... Delicious! I smiled widely and ate it all up. The whole time he was just hugging me. A couple of seconds later he asked.

"Why do you spend time alone, when you can always come with me?" With that, he started to vanish. I breathed heavily qnd face me. The wind was slowly drifting him away from me. I chased him. It was too late. Darkness already swallowed the whole place, and so as him. I fell down on my knees. I help my hand up, hoping to reach him. But it was too late. I felt a tear run down my cheek . . .

"Noooo!" I shouted. I immediately opened my eyes and sat up my bed. Nightmares. I catched my breath. I stood up and went to the fridge. I drank a glass of water and checked the time. 3:00 A.M. The Devil's Hour. I sighed and checked my Fudgee Bars at the fridge. How did that person know? I just shook my head and ignored my thoughts. I went to bed and started to sleep again. I closed my eyes and savored the last 3 hours of sleep before going to school.


"Miss Smith! Where is your mind!?" I was back to the world when I heard the professor shouted. I looked at her blankly. She looks like she was to burst out anytime.

"At my head, Miss" I said. I heard my blockmates' laugh. But fortunately, the professor did'nt hear it. She looked at me and arced her brows. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"You are in Trigonometry! Marami ang nakikinig kasi mahirap etong subject na to. So, dahil hindi ka nakikinig, I assume, alam mo na?" I nodded my head and rolled my eyes. She scowled at me and I irritably looked away. I am completely and utterly bothered by the phone I got yesterday. And she, is just writting her own name to the list of my problems!

"I want you to answer this. If you can answer this, I will let you leave the room. If not, you will discuss the next lesson. Got it?" She said amd gave me a smug look. Oh, what a cruel proffessor she is. I can hear the whispers of our classmates. Their worried looks approached me as I remained calm.

"Okay." She held the ruler on her right hand. She walked back and forth slowly on the front with both hands on her back. She fixed her glasses using her left hand and smirked when she saw a question in the book. She looked at me and faked a cough.

"From the top of a building 30 meter high, the angle of depression of ball lying on the ground was observed to be 30 degree. Find the distance between the ball and foot of the building." I can hear my classmates whispering. They were all worried. Some looked at me with sympathy. I looked at Zephyr when I felt his hand clasped my arm. I nodded at him and he smiled.

"18.4" I plainly said wearing a serious expression. She slowly looked at me and flashed an evil smile. She slowly walked towards me. I met her gaze.

"If that's the case —" I cut her off.

"Is that what you were expecting me to answer?" I asked her and wore a smug look. I shook my head and Tsk-ed. I saw confusion on her eyes.

"E-excuse me?" She asked and gave me the most questioning look. Her smirks were gone and I saw how her brows met. I sighef and answered her question.

"If you are expecting me to give you a wrong answer, well sorry to burst your bubble. But, the answer is 17.4 meters, Miss." I said and gave emphasis to the word 'miss'. She scowled at me and I saw how her expression darkened. Her ears were all red and I can almost see the smoke coming out from her nose. I rolled my eyes. Nice joke.

I stormed out of the room when I heard the bell rang. I walked towards the locker and got my things.

I was'nt quite surprised when I saw Olive and Zeena running towards my direction.

"Besty!" I heard Olive called out. I flashed her a smile and looked at Zeena. I remember what she said yesterday. I flashed an awkward smile and she nodded. We walked towards the cafeteria and sat on our usual spot. The boys did their usual jobs and  sat after.

"Uy, Elle!" I looked at Zephyr when he called me out. I raised my brows at him and he flashed his worried expression.

"Di na kita nakita kahapon. Sa'n ka pumunta?" He asked. I was about to answer when I felt someone looking at me. I roamed my gaze around the cafeteria. Until it landed just right jnfront of me. I saw Zeena killing me with her stares. I smiled at her and faced Zephyr.

"Uh — may, pinuntahan pang kami ni Dimian" I casually said. But I was surprised when I saw him stiffened. What is wrong with this guy?


"Ulitin mo nga 'yong sinabi mo."

"May pinuntahan kami ni Dimian" I casually said. I stiffened when he hugged me immediately. Uh, can someone explain?

"Nag tagalog ka na sa wakas!" He said while shaking me through my shoulders. But he suddenly stopped. What is it this time?

"Ka— sama mo? Si Dimian?" He asked and I casually nodded. Patay Malisya. Go Self! You know how much Zeph hates it when you come along with other guys. Zeph faced me with a serious expression.

"Ok. Huli mo na yan. Wala ng next time" He said and stood up. I shrugged and signalled that Im going to the garden, they nodded. They know that I need my Alone time.

I was walking along the hall way when I bumped into someone. I looked at it and saw Abigail. One of the school paper's writter. She's... crying. She stared at me for a while and ran away immediately. I just shrugged it off and went towards my destination.

I stood up and stared at the whole garden. I always loved nature. I alwayd go with him on nature trips. I smiled bitterly while reminiscing. I remembered the day when, he died. I cried hard that time. Zephyr was on the States with his family at the moment.  The only one to comfort me there was, Quince.

How can I not remember that day? It was the day when I realized, that, I like him. Yep, you've read it right. I sort of have a crush on Quince. I mean, it's normal right?

But, only I myself know. I dont even give myself false hopes. I know. He is sometimes sweet, to the point that they would say that we look like couples. But no, we are'nt.

I know my boundaries. Liking him is grave incest to our friendship. And, im not willing to sacrifice our friendship just for that. But the good thing is, I only have a crush on him, Crush not love. He was sweet, caring, smart. What could I ever ask for?

I closed my eyes as I felt the wind blow my hair away. I stretched my hands on both sides and smiled. Like an idiot. Celine Dion?


I flinched when I felt an arm wrap around my waist. That person rested his head on my shoulders that I felt his breath on my bare skin. I found myself holding that person's arm. I looked over my shoulder to see who it was. I felt myself blushed and I fept this strange romantic excitement running through my veins.

"Quince..." I said almost whispering. I diverted my gaze and tried to hide my smile. Calm down, calm down, Elle

"Why would you spend time alone, when you can always spend time with me?" he asked and I felt the whole world stopped.

"Why would you spend time alone, when you can always spend time with me?"

"Why would you spend time alone, when you can always spend time with me?"

"Why would you spend time alone, when you can always spend time with me?"

"Why would you spend time alone, when you can always spend time with me?"

"Why would you spend time alone, when you can always spend time with me?"

I felty body stiffened. No effin way! This can't be! Those lines, that, that, was what that person said on my dreams. This can not be true. Im dreing, am I?

"Hey, you ok?" Quince asked. I forced a smile and let go from the hug. This is practically one of his sweet gestures. It may seem that im closest with Zephyr but come on! Me and Quince are bestfriends too. He is also... sweet. But not possesive like Zephyr.

"Yup! So, what brings you here?" I asked and sat on the bermuda grass. He did the same. He shrugged and handed me something.

My eyes got big when I saw what it was. I slapped myself, but hell! Im not dreaming! I slowly grabbed it from his hand.

My gaze landed on Quince then the Fudgee Barr. Yep! You've read it right. He gave me a Fudgee Barr. I gave him a questioning look. He smiled and looked away.

"I know you remember him. I decided to give you that. I know it's your comfort food." He really does know me. I suddenly felt an urge to hug him, so I did. I whispered thank you right on his ear. He hugged me back. We stayed like that for about 5 seconds.

We immediately let go of each other when we heard someone fake a cough. I chuckled when I saw Zephyr's face. He's gonna have tantrums later.

Just right across us, Zephyr was standing. He crossed his arms and his brows met. You can easily tell that He's surrounded by a supremely dark aura.

"Kayo lang?" He asked. Me and Quince looked at each other and bursted out laughing. We approached him. We had a group hug and I saw Zephyr smile. Later on, the whole gang joined.

WE WERE all laughing while walking along the hallway. That was extremely fun. You cant see Zeena and Vaughn fighting. Olive is still cheery while talking to Quince. As well as me and Zeph. I hope it will always be like this.

"Haha! Naalala ko kahapon! Si Zeena at Elle!" Olive said and bursted out of laughter. Zeena glared at her while I rolled my eyes. But she did'nt seem to care at all. Zephyr, Quince and Vaughn threw us questioning looks.

"Eh kasi po. Si Zeena ayaw pa english-in si Elle. Ayun nagalit, pinagbabato si Elle ng sapatos, heels at encyclopedia" Olive's remarks before her laughter filled the hallway. Good thing there were less students here. Vaughn, Quince and Zephyr laughed too. Zeena and I? Well, -.- .

Minutes later I felt the call of nature. I told them that I need to go to the CR. Zeena asked olif she could come. While walking Zeena talked.

"Uhm, Elle..." She called out. I darted her a look before looking at the hallway again.

"Hm?" She heaved a sigh and smiled shyly.

"Sorry. Yesterday was my last day of you know. The three... hell days" She said. Oh so that's why. The three hell days. Haha! I chuckled and she glared at me. I raised both my arms symbolizing surrender. She rolled her eyes and signalled to go back first. I nodded and went to the CR.

I went inside the first cubicle and did what I was supposed to. While I was inside, I heard girls talk.

"Uy! Narinig mo ba yung issue?" asked one of the girls. Gossip Spreaders.

"Anong issue?" The other one asked.

"Well, yung tungkol kay Peter Medrano at Francis Salazar!" The third girl yelped

"Ah yeah! That issue is so nakakawindang!" The second girl asked with her super O lver acting voice. Maarte.

"Oo! Akalain mong pinag-agawan nila si Abigail!" The third girl said with a sense of shock.

"Abigail?" The second girl asked full of curiousity. I guess all that she knows is that Peter Medrano and Framcis Salazar fought.

"Yup! Abigail Mendoza. 'Yung writter ng School Paper." The first girl said in a matter of fact tone.

"Woah! She's pretty nga naman!"  The second girl said.

"Oh! 12:50 na! Male-late na tayo"


I went out as soon as I heard their footsteps No more. But wait, Abigail Mendoza? I just bumped into her a while ago. Is that the reason why she's crying? I felt sorry for her though. Its not that good to be fought over you know? And as far as I am concerned, I do not want to get inside of that situation. I heaved a sigh and went inside the room. They were already sitting there so I wenr straight to my seat too and listened to the professor's discussion.


"Good Afternoon Class" The Professor greeted us as he enterd the room carrying his books and class records. The classroom greeted back and he went on with his discussion.

He writes something on the board and  I find it weird seeing what was written there. The word 'Pairs' had been written on the board. We all threw questioning looks at Prof. Venez.

"Pairs." He said putting both of his hands on the table infront.

"Usually, what comes inside our mind from the word pairs are for example. A pair of shoes.  A pair of Gloves. They are pairs, are'nt they?" He asked with a boyish smile. We all nodded. He walked towards the direction of the windows and put both his arms at his back, completely facing the window.

"They are considered pairs for they have the same features. But what if I say, a pencil and an eraser? A fork and a spoon? Are they still pairs?" He asked and we all responded with a nod. One of our classmates raised her hand and asked.

"Ano po ang pino-point out niyo, Sir?" She asked filled with curiousity.  Whispers of agreement can be easily heard inside the room. Sir Venez stood straight and walked towards the center.

"I want you to pair up. Pagkatapos, you will perform anything. You can sing, dance, act or whatsoever. Then, I will make you write an essay." Sir Venez asked, completely ignoring our questions. Though confused, we all paired up.

I paired up with Zeph. Olive with Quince and Zeena with Vaughn. Everybody else found their pairs when we heard Sir Venez chuckle. We threw him a confuse look and he just shook his head.

"Go back to your proper seats" And so we did. "I am not yet finished with my instructions." He said pausing for a while to form a smile with his lips. "Which do you think can make a better pair? The similar ones, or the opposite." He said and put his pointing finger right below his chin. "For those who say Similar, go to the left side. While those who go for the opposite, you can join the right side" He said and let us choose which side we're going to.

I thought of which side to take. I decided to take the opposite ones. Zephyr and I both tool the opposite. We made a high five when we saw each other. On the other side, were Zeena, Vaughn, Quince and Olive.  When everyone was surely done, Sir Venez started to order instructions.

"Next, write your names on a 1/8 piece of paper and pass it to the front." He instructed and we followed. We passed our papers to the front and Sir Venez continued with the instructions.

"There are 22 persons on the similar side and 18 persons on the opposite. I will announce names and the said names will be your pairs." The proffesor started announcing names. Some were happy, and some were disappointed

"Valentine and Gomez" Oh, Zeena and Olive paired up. The two of them chuckled and gave each other a high five.

"Clifford and Fromyt" Vaughn and Quince 'Woah-ed' and I heard Zeph 'tsk-ed'  I chuckled and he threw me dagger stares. It made me laugh harder.  I stopped at laughing when I heard Zeph's last name called. I was shocked to hear who his pair was.

"Maniego and Olivar" I gasped when I heard what the professor said. I looked at Zephyr and saw his priceless expression. I tapped him on the shoulder and he sighed. This is going to be hard for him.

"Parker and" We looked at Sir Venez as he began to search the papers. His face brightened when his eyes landed on one of the names.

"Aha! Smith. Parker and Smith" He repeated. I saw Zeph's expression darkened and I was shocked. I smiled innocently at him and he rolled his eyes. I chuckled and ruffled his hair. He irritately got my hands off his hair. I shook my head and gave my full attention to Sir Venez.

"You will perform Next Week —" Sir Venez did'nt have a chance to finish his sentence when a senior came approachin our room. Sweat was all over his fave and he looked like someone who just got off from a Triathlon.

"Sir..! Si Francis at Peter... sa cafeteria..." He said while holding both of his knees. The room gasped and Sir Venez walked outside while ruffling his hair

Zeph and I looked at each other and nodded as if we have the same thing in mind. The next thing we knew we were running towards the cafeteria.

When we arrived there, I was completely shocked. I saw Francis lying on the ground. Unconcious. The next thing that happened is that we heard the ambulance and police car heading towards the school.



Quince Carlisle Clifford

on the media :*

So far, this has been the longest chapter in here. I made it long because the next update may take long for it contains detective deductions, etc.

Please connect with me through different websites

Twitter: LadyWithTheBlueShoe

Instagram: Queen_Ishi_Cute

Facebook: Ishi Watt Pad


This Chapter is dedicated to all my readers and friends. Love lots po ♥




- L ♥ A ♥ D ♥ Y♥

W ♥ I ♥ T ♥ H ♥

T ♥ H ♥ E

B.♥ L.♥ U.♥ E♥

S ♥ H ♥ O ♥ E
