Though we all have angels around us all of the time, our guardian angels do not always communicate with us in simple or clear ways that are easy to interpret and understand.

Most of the time, angelic guidance comes in mysterious signs and uncanny synchronistic occurrences that one must be in alignment with to understand.

Remember, angels are celestial beings who live in a realm that exists at a higher vibrational frequency than the physical world.

What are Angel Numbers?

Angel numbers are a series of repeating numbers that you come across in your everyday life. This is not a coincidence that you keep seeing a specific set of numbers again and again.

The Angels are trying to communicate. Whether you believe it or not, you are entitled to wonder how this can be a coincidence?

Now that you know what Angel Numbers are, you must be wondering how to read and interpret them. Do not worry; we provide a guide for your whole journey. The Angels and numbers are interlinked and interconnected.

The Angel guides us through our thoughts and emotions. He shows us signs to get our attention to guide us.

One such sign is the physical signs that appear in the places we visit. For example, coming across a repeated set of numbers 4 to 5 times a day.

Numbers surround us in our daily lives so; it is very easy for the Angel to reach us through them.

Feeling drawn towards your Guardian Angel always symbolizes the beginnings of spiritual change!

If you're feeling an inner calling to search for your Guardian Angel, to learn their name, and to communicate with them in new and exciting ways, then you might be taking your first steps along your spiritual journey.

Being celestial messengers of our highest truth, God, or Source, angels are bound by the laws of God and therefore can not interfere with the events in our lives without our direct consent.

This is why our guardians have to send their guidance to us in signs and symbolic messages.

Angel numbers are sequences of numbers that carry divine guidance by referring to specific numerological meanings.

In Numerology, the divine science of numbers, it is understood that each number carries with it a specific vibrational meaning that goes beyond a simple quantity.

This vibrational frequency is similar to the frequencies at which angels and other celestial beings resonate.

Often, when our guardian angels want to get our attention they will send us a specific series of numbers that will appear in our experience again and again.

It is the repetition of the sequence that will seem so uncanny and make you look wherever you can to find out more about what it might mean.

How Do Angel Numbers Work?

Angel numbers generally work through meaningful coincidence or synchronicity.

Synchronicity is a term coined by psychologist CG Jung who believed that our minds are connected to a universal whole that he called the Collective Unconscious.

Synchronicities are coincidences that are extremely meaningful, even uncanny.

These events are like a nudge from some unseen guiding force which we understand to be messages from the divine or angelic realm.

What does it mean to have a meaningful coincidence?

Let's say that you have been waking up in the middle of the night for no particular reason at 3:33 am.

One day after waking at that time, you decide to stop at a coffee shop on the way to work and get a drink that costs $3.33.

That afternoon, at 3:33 pm an alarm goes off in the office and you are all escorted out of the building.

As you stand outside waiting, you will have a strange feeling as you realize that this number series has been going on for days, perhaps weeks.

If there was a real emergency it may have been a warning from your guardian angels of danger.

If not, then there may be a deeper message. That is where the numerological meaning of numbers comes in.

In this case, the number 3 is the number of the trinity which is symbolic of self-expression, creativity and spiritual growth.

Have you been looking for ways to deepen your experience of life? Through the angel number 333, your guardian angels may be guiding you to the spiritual path that will provide you with the meaning and depth that you are looking for.

Your Angelic Destiny Number reveals important information regarding your soul's journey. Learning your Angelic Destiny Number helps you to uncover fascinating insights into your personality traits, and your challenges and your strengths you can work with to overcome them.

"Often Seeing a repeating number is that your angel pointing to you and allow you feel heard and seen. They try to get your attention, and those numbers they send have specific meanings. Consider as a little marker saying that you are on the right direction in life, just like a highway sign."

When spirituality has become the mainstream in the current years, so have the angel numbers.

"People realise they are connected to the magic existing all around them," said the spiritual advisor and intuitive mentor Diana Zalucky.


The number One is powerful for manifestation, that is part of why many make a wish as they see it repeated in a sequence such as 11.11 at a clock.

"When seeing 111, think the universe as a screenshot of your frame of mind," Michaela states. "Whatever goes on—all your thoughts, goals, visualisations, and dreams— they are going to replicate."

When you look at this sequence, make sure your thoughts and energy are focused on what you want to usher that energy into existence, about numerology.


If you see the number two everywhere, it is interpreted as an angel-number reminder to be in present, enjoy the moment, and trust that you are where you must be.


This sequence from the angels bring more balance into your life. "They want you to look in areas of your life that are not fully rounded, and need a self-correct. "Get meditation going, embark on the workout routine, and start that vision board that you've been procrastinating on."


When you navigate a challenge and have been trying to get guidance showing the signs of the universe or spirit guides, note the number four and you can serve as evidence that you're heard. "Your angels guide you, surround you, and answer your prayers of protection " ."This may be a time of struggle, but you are led into the light by your guardians."


If you see 555, it means change is coming. Know that change is a good thing, even if it might feel uncomfortable. "Change is seen as a negative thing, but the right mindset and the right alignment of your goals, it's the angel's way of readjusting your life to fit with what could happen ". "Life will be different if you get what you want."


Is 666s show up everywhere in your life?

Then the angels are trying to give you a reality check. "It is a strong message from your angel guardians to take personal responsibility for your own life, and ask yourself, 'what I need to do differently?'"


The repeating seven numbers are the universe telling you to relax and let go of your fears of the future. "Keep control of what's going to happen next." You need to embrace the present and trust that everything is working out for you.


"The number eight depicts infinity or even the endless loop of energy." " When you see it you are effortlessly going with the natural rhythm and flow of what your angels have in store for you."


If you see repeating nines when are working on something for a while it would be good news in tow. "This number is the cycle of what you have been doing will reach its completion." "

Ways to decipher angel number meanings with your intuition

1. To create quietness and stillness

Being aware and noticing angel numbers is the first step in working along with them. Then you have to decipher the meaning of those numbers.

Tap your intuitive powers to figure out the angel numbers' meaning. Keep quiet and ask yourself what the numbers mean specifically to you and look for the answer.

2. Keep a note of the angel numbers that shows up

The angel number's timing is not a coincidence. Notice the context when they show up.

What happens in those moments?

Were you thinking a specific thought?

Anything happen before or after? Notice those details to get clues of its meaning.

3. Give attention to your feel

"Notice how you feel in your body." Does your body respond in a specific way?