Chapter 4 Mask of innocence

Dust particles danced in the bright rays of the morning sun that streamed in through the tattered threadbare curtains. The light breeze from the opened window helped suppress some of the stale air of the tiny room and the pungent odors of the bar below. Orion blinked away the heavy alcohol-induced sleep from his eyes. He first tried stretching his long legs but met resistance at the foot board of the bed, then as he stretched his upper body the resistance came from his right arm and a heavy weight resting across it. "Shit..." He whispered as he tried dislodging the sleeping woman from his arm without waking her. He quickly glanced around the room for his discarded clothing as he planted his feet on the floor and slid his arm free. Gathering clothes and shoes in his arms, he didn't bother pulling on more than just his pants as he headed for the door making sure to open and clothes it as quietly as he could.

"About damn time. I've been waiting for you for over an hour now." Arei said as soon as Orion lifted his hand from the doorknob. His arms were crossed over his large chest, saddlebags were flung over one shoulder, and leaned against the wall with one booted foot planted against the wall and the other firmly on the ground.

"Shhh!" Orion turned his gaze back to the door and focused hard on hearing movement inside. Once he was satisfied that Arei's bombing voice hadn't woke the woman, he quickly grabbed his brother by the arm and dragged him toward the stairs. "You don't want to wake that one up... for both our sakes..."

Arei let out a puff of laughter. "That bad? You really should raise your standards..."

Orion only grunted as he continued to descend the stairs. As they emerged from the bar into the brightly lit streets of the town, Orion looked around taking the area in full for the first time since their arrival last night. "Where to? Did you come up with any leads this morning?"

Arei sighed as he ran his hand through his long loosely flowing hair. "Only one..." He handed the saddlebag over to Orion. "I talked to some sailors down by the docks this morning. About the only thing I could get out of any of them was that this creature, monster." He laughed, "They were very adamant about it being a monster... is 'a cursed creature set to ruin any man that ventures the seas.' But it seems isolated to this area. I ventured out to several of the islands in these parts," He arched a brow at his brother, "while you were sleeping off the exploits of last night..." He tossed his shirt into Orion's face playfully as they walked toward the thick vegetation separating the town from the coastline. He pushed back the last of the low hanging palm leaves and called back. "Well, here she is..." He sent Orion a pleased smile as his brother stepped around him.

Orion scratched his head in confusion. "Um... this?" He inspected the small dingy tied out on the beach. He ran his large hand over the weathered wood of the small boat then tapped it with the tip of his boot, before standing and looking out at the horizon expecting to see a larger vessel anchored out past the waves. Not seeing any sign of a larger, more suitable boat he turned to Arei who was now kicking off his shoes. "You've got to be joking, right?"

Arei pulled off his pants next and place all his discarded items into the saddlebags that Orion had sat on the sands. "Joking about what?" He mumbled as he tucked the last of his clothes in the bags and closed them up.

Orion pointed to the dingy, "This! Do you plan on pulling it, is that the plan? There's no way you and I both will stay afloat in that tiny thing... especially with you in that form." Orion said as Arei shifted into horse form.

"Father said I had to stay in this form for this mission. So what other options do we have?" He trotted over to the boat and took the stake out of the sand with his teeth. His beautiful black mane billowed in the breeze as he tossed his head enough to throw the stake into the boat.

Orion watched as Arei pushed the boat out into the tides. "I'm always surprised by how much you are still able to do even in that form."

"I've spent most of my life in this form," Arei said matter-of-factly as he tested the balance of the boat with one long, hooved leg. "Seems to be the only form father accepts me in..." Arei muttered heaving his massive stallion frame into the tiny boat.

Orion quickly grabbed the bags and waded out into the waves. Tossing the bags in then hoisting himself over next. "Doesn't leave much room..." He sighed as he pulled the tiny sail loose. Air quickly caught the small sail and pulled the boat across the waters with speed. "Now I see... you were only after speed."

Arei laughed letting the winds blow into his face and through his mane. "Well, Obviously the creature only attacks boats or we would have run into it on the way here, and if I have to ride a boat," He turned to send Orion a horse-ish grin, "Why not a fast one."

Shortly into their trip, Arei nodded, "That passage over there." He held a hoof up to indicated two tall cliffs overhanging the sea. "Remember, IF the beast attacks don't fight it just yet, mount me and retreat."

As they made their way closer to the cliffs, an eerie quiet filled the air. There was no chatter of birds or splashing of dolphins, only the crash of waves against the jagged rock that lined the foot of each cliff. "Shit!" Orion shouted as he stood and quickly wrestled the sail around, pulling the small boat away from the cliffs as possible.

"What are you doing?" Arei asked as he braced his legs against the edge of the boat to keep balance.

"We are sure to find beasts here, but not the one we're searching for!" Orion yelled as he fought the sail. "That cliff on the left," He waited until Arei had turned his attention to the cliff in question. "Just behind the murk of fog and mist is a cave with a massive monster with seven heads that extends and plucks men from ships who pass... and it is the better of the two. The creature on the other is even more deadly."

"Hum..." Arei examined each cliff carefully. "Looks like my information was off... a bit..."

"Didn't realize how large this island is." Orion said as he pulled the small boat ashore and tied it off to a twisted palm that overhung the waters. "Quite nice really..." He said looking around the small lagoon they'd landed in. "It would be the perfect spot if there was a town close by.

Arei nodded as he gathered the saddlebags from the boat in his mouth. He tossed them to the ground and looked around. "I'm sure there will be. This island seems pretty well populated."

Orion arched his brows, "Are you shifting here?"

Arei looked up as he worked the leather latches with his teeth, "Why not?"

"Do you really think it wise?" Orion asked as he began to search the wood line for a path.

"Why not? Didn't seem problematic last night... though I still get the creeps thinking of that old man." His mane billowed around him as he shook his head.

Orion nodded, "Exactly..." He bent to pick up a large stick and began using it to push back the short underbrush. "I got a bad feeling from the guy, myself."

Arei frowned down at the bags. "So you're telling me to stay in this form now as well." He let out a huff and carried the bags back over to the boat but changed his mind last minute and tossed them across his massive shoulders instead. He caught up with Orion in a few large gallops. "So now what?"

Orion continued poking at the shrubbery with his stick. "First we find the town, decide on living quarters, then gather more information." He shrugged, "Seems simple enough... for now."

As they rounded the lagoon, a large man made rock barrier lined the coast along with the narrow inlet that flowed into the ocean. Beside the barrier was a well-worn cart path. "This looks promising," Arei said. He nudged Orion with his muzzle. "Hop on."

Orion nodded and made short work of mounting the large stallion. Once atop he straightened his clothes and moved the saddlebags behind him to rest across Arei's wide flanks. Movement by the waters caught his attention as he happened to glance out to the lagoon while turning back around. There, crouched over the shallow waters was a small child. The waters reflected the gleam of the sun causing both her pale skin and white hair to shimmer. "Hold up." He whispered to Arei as he hopped off.

"What now?" Arei called out as he turned around to follow his brother.

Orion through up a hand to silence his brother. "Shh." He pointed toward the small child.

Arei nodded and followed in silence, holding back a few paces as to not frighten the girl. He glanced around for signs of others but didn't see anyone.

"Hello, little one," Orion called out, more to announce his presence than anything else. When the child didn't respond and only continued to concentrate on the waters with her tiny hands hoovering other them, he waded out closer. There was a strange air to the child, a captivating pull, a silent song, that tugged at something deep inside. Orion glanced back at Arei who'd stopped at the waters' edge and was now shaking his head in caution. Orion held his brother's gaze in silent communication before lowering himself to a similar squat beside the girl. "What do you have there, little one?"

She didn't take her focus off the waters as she answered simply, "Fish."

Orion glanced down and did a double-take when he identified the markings of the poisonous lion fish. He moved in one quick, fluid motion standing and scooping up the child all at once. "Shit!" He held the child in one arm and backed out of the waters. He set the child on land and crouched down to come eye level with her. "You must be more careful, little one. Those fish are very dangerous." When she only tilted her head in confusion, he added. "Where are your parents?" The girl continued to look up at him with wide aqua blue eyes full of confusion and curiosity. He scrunched his brows together. "The people who take care of you?"

Her tiny hand raised and pointed a thin finger out toward the waters. Orion followed her finger out to the horizon then turned back to her ready to ask more questions. He felt the nudge of Arei's muzzle against his ribs. He turned his attention back to the horse ready to yell, until he caught the look in his brother's eyes. He nodded in understanding before turning back to the child. "I was just about to ride into town for food and supplies. If you're hungry I'd be glad to bring you with me." He nodded over to the large stallion.

Arei walked closer to the child lowering his head. He held his breath as he waited for her reaction. He let out a pleased neigh when her tiny hand reached out and petted his velvet jaw. "Pretty... Ahh... soft!" She giggled as Arei nudged his muzzle into her tiny hands.

"Would you like to ride him?" Orion asked. When she nodded in excitement, he smiled down and lifted her small, frail body onto the horse. "Hang on." He instructed the girl and began walking down the cart path. He glanced back as they walked and couldn't help but chuckle at the faces Arei would make as the child wiggled, petted, and pulled atop him.

The horse narrowed his eyes but quickly swayed to help the small child re-balance. "Serves you right ol' boy!" He called out to the horse. Orion shook his head and turned back to the market just down the trail. As his mind began working through the vast differences of this town and the last a strange thought crossed his mind. He turned back to the child straddling Arei and laughing merrily as his long mane tickled her cherub-like face. He narrowed his gaze studying the girl. {It would take roughly an hour by boat to get back to the side of the island they'd been on last night... How has this child made it here alone in such a short time.}