Chapter 8 Shift in Plans

Arei's white knuckles ached as he clinched the steering wheel tighter as he searched for a suitable hotel off the busy interstate exit. The wolf leaning across the center console whimpered as the body she laid across began to convulse uncontrollably. "Hang in there, Kitten, hang in there." A hotel sign reading jacuzzies in the room and pets welcome came into sight. Arei whipped his car off the road, its rear tires skidding as he slammed on the breaks in front of the hotel office. He didn't take the time to shut the car door behind him, instead, he practically ran inside the office. In less than five minutes he was getting back into the car and quickly pulling it around to the backside of the building. "Easy does it, Kitten." He said as he lifted Jos from the passenger side and waited impatiently as the wolf leaped from the car as well. He kicked the door closed with his foot and hurried toward the stairs taking them two at a time.