Chapter 15 The Road Less Taken

Jos sat in the back silently stroking the soft fur of Shelly's large head that was laid across her lap. The tension in the car was thicker than humidity before a hurricane. Her eyes kept going to the bruised up reflection of the passenger. {Russ...} Her heart ached every time she caught sight of his broken nose and a left eye that was nearly swollen shut. A whimper from her lap brought her attention back down to Shelly. The wolf nudged her gently with it's nose as if to say 'It's not your fault. He's a wolf. He could have shifted.' It was the same words Orion and Raven had both said to her when she'd first caught sight of him as they were leaving the hotel. She narrowed her eyes as she caught Arei glancing back in the rear-view mirror for the hundredth time to check on her. Which of the two had picked the fight? She wondered as she glanced back and forth between the two.