Chapter 18 Drunk Punch Love

Arei forced himself to use care when shutting the front door behind him, instead of slamming it with all the rage that was building up inside him. He stepped out onto lush grass that surrounded both sides of the narrow sidewalk that led to the steep stairs they'd used earlier. He narrowed his eyes against the dark pitch of night. In a stroke of the light provided by the lighthouse set out on the edge of the cliffs, Arei caught site of two figures. Setting his jaw in pissed off determination, he stomped of toward them eating up the distance quickly with his large strides. Anger buzzed loudly in his ears drowning out whatever conversation the kid and Orion was having. He grabbed the boy by the shoulder and forced him to spin around to face him. "What the fuck was that?!" He stood toe to toe with the boy looking down at him, his rage building more. "How can you treat someone you 'love' like you are her? I wouldn't talk to my enemy the way you do her!"