Chapter 24 Final Say

Everyone was awake in the spacious kitchen of the large home. Arei was walking Raven through the process of a fancy coffee machine while Orion busied himself over the massive six eyed range. Russ could not stifle the bust of laughter at seeing the large man in yet another goofy apron. He tugged Jos forward wrapping his arm around her as they walked past the living room and pool that separated the first-floor bedrooms from the kitchen. "Do you think he packs one for each meal or you think senior-roided-up-bro has a collection of his own?"

Jos rolled her eyes as stepped away from Russ and walked over to where Orion stood flipping pancakes. She leaned over the plate he had stacked high and breathed in deeply. "Looks great, Ry." She sent Russ a mischievous glare. "And look not a one of them are burnt."