Chapter 29 Fast Friends

"Holy shit!" Isha exclaimed as soon as the other two men were out the door. Her eyes darted back to Jos. "I see the Kraken's curse still has all the pretty fish flocking to your pond." She waggled her eyebrows at Jos as she scooted eagerly to the edge of her seat. "And here I thought you were a threat all this time." She winked. "You must tell me EVERYTHING!" She rubbed her hands together in excitement. "Orion the mighty hunter, Areion the Stallion, And Prince fuckboi!!!! Goddamn I'm in the wrong line of work." She wiggled around in her chair. "How exactly does one become a Kraken?"

Raven cleared her throat and narrowed her eyes at her wife. "I'm still in the room, you know..."

Isha's lips feel into a playful pout, "With all that candy laying around, you can't expect me not to at least look."