Chapter 33 A life with You part 1

Arei sank against the wall of the shower letting the hot water flow over his icy body. By now, it was obvious to him the cold he felt came from some where deeper than the chill of the New England ocean. As if stuck on auto replay, his brain just kept flashing back to earlier.

His heart had leaped back to life with hope as Ry had explained the tense situation of earlier to him. He'd let out a sigh of relief as Ry's irritation continued to increase. "Don't you understand?!" Ry yelled. "If the kid finds out she's only telling him what he wanted to hear this whole time, it will be a sure-fire shit show! With everything we've taught him and with his lack of control over those teenage emotions of his... we will practically be unleashing a damn bomb on the entire Mediterranean!"