Chapter 36 A life with you part 4

They ate their meal in near silence, only broken when the weight of it became too much for Arei. He would randomly tell her facts about the island they were on and about some of the places here, he planned to show her. Jos would simply nod or ask basic questions before going back to her meal. Once finished, he stood running a hand through his long hair. "I'll take these plates downstairs and have a drink, if you'd like to use the tub first... before the water gets cold..." When she tilted her head in question, he laughed. "The water the maids brought up is heated. They also left scented soaps for you to try that the landlords wife makes and sales." he laughed awkwardly. {Pull yourself together man! You're way too old to be acting this way.} He scolded himself.

She nodded and walked over to the tub they'd brought up. She ran her hand through the water and smiled up at Arei. "It feels like the lagoon in summer." She said happily.