Chapter 52 Accepted Fate

Charybdis and Scylla's reactions were both like what Poseidon's had been; but once the doubt and disbelief had passed, they had welcomed Jos with open arms. Charybdis and Jos set in the seating area surrounding to one of the many entrances to the submerged portion of the library. Scylla was seated at a lounge chair that was partially submerged as well, making it easily accessible with her long eel-like tail.

"So, baby brother, are you going to tell us how you and this dear girl met?" Chary asked sending him a mischievous smile.

Arei let out a long sigh. {Well at least this will be a good time to drop a few hints so that they don't say anything crazy while I'm talking to father...} He squeezed Jos's shoulders as he leaned forward over the chair, she sat in. "Alright, but it will have to be a short telling, Father wants a word with me. You know how impatient he can get."