Waking up

I feel a strange warmth surrounding me, I try to open my eyes but I can't, where am I.....

Who am I...

I focus hard in order to remember, suddenly it comes back to me.

I was going back to home from my job, I worked as accountent, I know I know it's not the most interesting job but honestly it was what suited me the most, any way let's get back to the main topic.

As I was waiting for the stop sign so I can cross, a bespectacled teenage girl whose wearing a track suit suddenly ran into the middle of the street yelling :


A speeding truck was about to reach and hit her, so I did the only logical thing to do.

I ran after her in the middle of the street and waaayaaah, gave her a flying kick out of the way, I used the forced of the kick to jump back also out of the trucks way.

The driver quickly after he passed us stopped got back and check on our conditions.

I was fine except that I fell on my butt and goddam it hurts, I'm not athletic did you honestly think I would be able to perform a flying kick properly.

The driver helped me on my feet then we both went to check on the girl, it turned out that my kick sent her into a close by trash can.

Girl: " hey old man what wrong with you how could you drop kick me like that"

I swallowed the offense of being called and old man despite being 23 years old and replied.

Me:" I saved your life your welcome"

Girl: " I didn't want to be saved damitt I was going to get reincarnated"

Now I was a huge Otaku back in the day,

I haven't had the time lately so theirs a lot of things that I missed, but I know exactly what she was talking about.

I looked at the driver who had a stupified face, then looked back at the idiot.

First I helped her back on her feet then...

BAM right in the glasses I gave her the best punch I've ever thrown and she fell back to the trash.

I looked at the driver again who was now giving a poker face and said:

" can you handle it from here"

He nodded

" well goodbye then"

Stupid girl actually thought she would get isekaid as I was thinking that while crossing the street a second speeding truck hit me.

Wait what but it was pedestrian walking sign did that guy actually skipped the red light....


prologue finished