



System:" it would be appreciated if the user would stop using such language"


After an hour or so of using words that would make my mother disown me I calmed down...


System:" yes foul mouthed user"

I swallowed the insult, partly because most my swear words earlier were directed to the system

"this dungeon Master, would he let me go if I asked nicely"

System:"highly unpropable, user will probably be eaten"


System:"user does not make any sense, their is no way to reach an agreement with the Dungeon Master, also defeating them with user's current power is impossible, what part of the situation is PERFECT"




System:" ha-ha-ha"


" did you just laugh?"

System:" was the user not sarcastic with the intention to joke? The system gave the most appropriate response"

"if you laugh at my jokes does that meen you have your own conscience?"

System:" the system evolves to best serve the user, the user seams to need emotional support, hence the system is developing a personality so the user won't feel lonely"




"never mind, well it's better that I have someone to talk to, but I don't feel like referring to you as system"

" I'd also appreciate it if you stopped referring to me as user"

System:" would the user like to choose a name"


Suddenly a window popped up asking me if I wanted a name, what was my name in my last life anyway, never mind, I said yes.

System: "what does the user wish to be called?"

I thought for a while to see what I should name my self, after some minute I finally made my mind.

"my system listen and memorize from today onwards I will be known as....."


"Deathtopia Virtuoso Suicide-Master"


"what do you think cool right?"

System:"it seems the user is suffering from chunibyo, looking for possible cures"

"Oooooooooii who are you calling a chuni?"

System:" how is the system supposed to react when you say such thing, please pick another name , also user have to keep it within 20 characters"



No choice it seems I have to keep it simple for now, I thought again and remembered the name of my favorite character from my childhood TV show.

"system call me Sapphire"



System:"acceptable the user from now on will be referred to as -Sapphire- this will be unchangeable in the future"

"oiiii you never said I will be unable to change it in the future?!"

System: "does one usually change his name?"

The system asked but I can tell it's being sarcastic.

Sapphire:"fair point, well now while we are at it, it's time for me to name you"

System:" a normal name withen 20 characters will be appreciated."

Sapphire:"trust me, I already got the name ready, it's the name of Sapphire's best friend in that TV show, from now on I will call you Ruby"



Ruby:"name accepted, from now on the system will be referred to as Ruby"

Sapphire:" great now that we got introductions out of the way, can you specifically tell me where are we? You said we are in some sort of dungeon but I can't see anything or move?"

Ruby: "Sapphire has not hatched yet"

Sapphire:"hatched as from an egg?"


Sapphire:"well I guess I shouldn't be surprised any more"

Ruby:" it's good that sapphire no longer is pissing his self and swearing over every sing new development it encounters"


Ruby:"apologize, I must have been under bad influence lately"

I swallowed the insult, and vowed I will make this stupid system pay for that later.

I tried to push my way out but I can't feel nor arms or legs, if I came from and egg does that meen I'm some kind of bird.

Well if that's the case i must have a beak, I will try to use that to break the shell and get out, I push the shell with my head, it's starting to crack, just a little bit mooooore.


Yes, my head is finally out

Chapter end