The god Of Darkness


Name: Realta

Race: god of Darkness

Level: 999+


A man clad in black is sitting at the dining room in my kitchen waiting for tea, obviously it's the god of Darkness.

Sapphire: "do you want some honey with that?"

Realta: "yes please"

Sapphire: "here you go"

Realta: "thanks...

You know I'm not here to pick up a fight but arent you a little lax."

Sapphire: "I'm used to it"

Realta: "I see"

We drank tea quietly for a couple of minutes.

Sapphire: "before we start the conversation allow me to ask, this is the third time I met a god this month, how did you manage to find me."

Realta: "by accident really"

Sapphire: " is Hadrick secretly from the royal family and you were watching over him?"

Realta: "no, also dwarfs are Crua's responsibility."

Sapphire: "did we somehow build our house on an ancient temple land of yours."

Realta: "again no, sadly I don't have any temples nowadays."

Sapphire: "then am I walking under a huge flying sign that says: DEMON LORD HERE."

Realta: " no but that would have been interesting to see."

Sapphire: "then allow me to ask and please don't take offense from my tone..


Realta: "no offense taken, I found you because of your spells."

Sapphire: "my spells?"

Realta: "yes, more specifically your dark elemental magic, I took notice of you using it."

Sapphire: "but if the gods can find me if I used their elements won't I already have been caught long ago?"

Realta: "that's not what I meant, it's because you made new spells."

Sapphire: "what?"

Realta: "allow me to elaborate, us gods are a representation of our elements, and know all the information related to them, now tell me what if new information about the element came to existence?"

Sapphire: "they would be added to your knowledge?"

Realta: "correct, whenever a new spell in a certain element is made, the god of the element would be aware of it and its workings instantly."

Sapphire: "but I made new elemental magic spells all the time when I experimented under Honey's teaching."

Realta: "!!!"

Realta: "did you say honey?"

Sapphire: "yeah that's my teacher's name, do you know her?"

He suddenly looks slightly sad.

Realta: "Honey is an old follower of mine, and my only worshipper nowadays, I didn't expect for her to be your teacher."

Sapphire: "well she didn't exactly know what I am."

Realta: "smart move, otherwise you wouldn't kept your head."

Sapphire: "..."

Realta: "anyway to answer your question earlier, just because the gods know of the spells existence, doesn't mean they should pay much attention to it or who made it, their are many magic researchers out there, and new discoverys are made everyday, so the gods won't usually go out of their way to seek the one who made them otherwise they would be wasting alot of time."

Sapphire: "then why did you come?"

Realta: "because my situation is a little different from the rest of the gods"

Sapphire: "how so?"

Realta: "well for starters, I don't have a race to supervise, not anymore atleast, so I'm not as busy as them."

Did he just say that there was a race that worshiped him at one point?

Realta: "secondly is because unlike the other elements, no one studies darkness anymore, due to its rarity and bad reputation."

That's what Hadrick said before...

Realta: " it's not like it doesn't happen, but it's extremely rare, maybe once or twice in a century, I took notice of the *float* magic you made a while ago but even back then I didn't pay much attention, but for the last three days over a dozen new spells were made, I couldn't help but get curious about who is experimenting with my element, so I decided to come and check it out, I honestly can say that I did not expect to find a Demon Lord Casually living in a wooden mansion by the lake with a dwarf."

Sapphire: " then why didn't you tell the other gods?"

Realta: "it doesn't really concern me, I stopped caring about what happens to mankind after my race died off"

So that really was what happened, I wonder if Honey was related to this matter.

Sapphire: "still at this rate Alein will catch me"

Realta: "I wouldn't worry to much about that, she wouldn't even consider the idea that a demon lord is spending his time leisurely and without causing any trouble, she's probably freaking out thinking that you are secretly building your forces so that you can attack mankind, so she's probably spending her time looking for any sign of any new Demon territories or life creation, more specifically the demon lord skill that creates demons, although it's tough if she focuses hard enough she can senses it since she's goddess of life, or that what she thinks, their are probably some methods you can use to mask it, but she still won't give up until she catches you."

Sapphire: "how very reassuring"

Realta: "frankly she's not the one you should worry about, although they would prefer the wait and see approach, if the goddess of fire or god of earth found you they might pick up a fight with you just for the heck of it, these two are pretty much hot headed and hard headed, Alein would just try and plot to take you down, although if she knew that you are weakned she wouldn't hesitate to attack".

Sapphire: "I guess I'm lucky that the gods I met were you, Eresh, and Seid".

Realta: "well it's about time I head out, good luck with that curse"

Sapphire: "thanks, it was nice meeting you"

Realta: "likewise"

Chapter End