A Druid's Memory part 4

We reached a castle in the middle of the forest.

I say castle but it was more of a small mansion made out of rocks...

It's mine

A Dwarf student of mine built it saying that it's not right for people to not live in a house

Honey: " before you start you need to clean the castle"

Sapphire: " what?"

Honey: " we need a proper area for studying, we can't work in this mess"

This is a method to see how pridefull someone is.

Royalty always complain about making them do house work but this is to humble them down for the future.

Sapphire: " isn't this your home why is it messy any way?".

Honey: "..."

It may also because I don't know how to clean

Honey: " you should start, I'll go bring food".

I walk out and look for something to eat

I have no problem with anything but I don't think this guy will be okay without a proper meal.

I leave him for two hours to see how he'll do.

Honey: " You're done already?"

That is quite surprising...

Some of my students take a week to clean it..

He have a great house wife potential

Sapphire: " yes"

Honey: " that's impressive, you are really good at house work"

Honey: " well you should get ready to make dinner".

Sapphire: "....









I thought you went out to get food..."..

Honey: " I did".

I show him what I hunted

Honey: " This tastey"..

This is impressive

He really is a great cook

He also seemed to use magic in it..

Mana is not unlimited

No one would waste it unless they have it in bulk

He shows potential

Honey: " can you ready the bath"

He used fire and water magic to create hot water

Verry good

Honey: " let's go to sleep tonight...



You can take any room you want..


Rest well tonight and tomorrow at dawn I want you to be awake and ready.."

The next dawn

Honey : "Before we start I want you to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next 3 days in advance".

Sapphire: " why?"

Honey: " you probably will be too busy to do any of it".

It will take him a while to get back so having him prepare my food in advance is probably for the best.

Honey : " and wash my clothes while you're at it, my underwear as well".

In case he didn't survive I need someone to clean this clothes also.

He finished at noon

Honey: " alright before we head out I want you to sign this".

I handed him the waiver

Sapphire: "..."

Sapphire: " ummm... You mind if I asked a question?"

Honey: " sure".

Sapphire: " well first what is this?".

Honey: " a waiver".

Sapphire: " yes I can see that...

But why..."

Honey: " well were going to train very hard..

It won't be nice if you got hurt or died and your family decided to sue me...

I may live in a castle but I don't have much"

Sapphire: " okay I guess that kind of makes sense....

And the last one why is sexual harassment a part of this".

Honey: "..."

Sapphire: "...."

That part is actually to distract the men from the rest of the parts...

I got the idea from a female Elf student of mine before...

Since then non of the men hesitated to sign it...

The girls seems to freek our though and ask I've ever done something to their parents or of I'm actually their birth mom..

Honey: " well we're a man and a woman alone in the woods, it's been long that I had contact with the outside world...

Or seen a man...

I'm human... And humans are weak and make mistakes...

There is a small chance that I lose control and assault you..

These things happen you know, I don't know if you grew up sheltered but this is how the real world works, you shouldn't hold on to your innocence if you plan to live in it.... "

This is a line the same student told me to resite in order to make them more convinced.

He signs the paper..

After what seemed like an hour we reach a cliff.

Honey: " alright let's start your test".

Sapphire: " test?"

Honey: " as I said, I have to test you first".

Sapphire: " what was all that work yesterday then?".

Honey: " just house work"

Sapphire: "...."

Honey: "...."

Sapphire : " alright what's the test?"

Honey: " see this cliff bottom".

Sapphire: " no, wow it's actually very deep"

Honey: " your test is to survive and get back home.

Good luck".

I kick him down


He's quite foul mouthed...

I should work on fixing this in the future...

If he survives of course.

Chapter End