What we disagree about

Alein (dark) : " it's about time you finished this Brax

We still have work to do"

Brax: " I know I know, I'll go ready what we need"



Dark Alein points her hand at Attila


A light blast knocks Atilla back into the wall

She's bloodied but still Alive

Dark Alein : " honestly

Pretending in front of you was a hassle

I'm a Goddess

And made from a Goddess

No matter how much you try you can't force loyalty upon me

Even that inferior Jeanne is capable of breaking that Demon King's command should she really desire it

It's just that after he altered her personality

And removed her past memories she chose willingly to serve him

I'm on the other hand retain both my personality as a Goddess and my memory

I'm a second Alein

You can't control me"

Sapphire: " so do we got from that you are on our side"

Alein dark: " I'm afraid that is not the case"

Sapphire: " why... If you're Alein then-"

Alein dark : "it's because I'm Alein that I won't do that"

Sapphire: "okay I'm lost

Hey Alein can you talk to yourself a little"

Alein : " Alein why didn't you come back to join me again as a single part after Attila made you

It shouldn't been a problem for you to escape and -"

Alein Dark: " I'm here because I chose to"

Alein: " what?"

Sapphire: " Excuse me

Slightly hotter Alein

Can you be as kind as to explain what are you planning

Don't tell me it's that stupid trope where the clone turns evil and decides to take over the originals life and personality"

Alein dark: " turn evil...

I guess that's how it would seem from your point of view"

Sapphire: " wait so you do actually intend of talking over Alein"

Alein dark: "yes but not because of any selfish reason

I just want to actually do the job we were both supposed to do from the beginning

Take care of life"

Sapphire: " how is that any different than what she does"

Alein dark: " because unlike her I intend to erase our past failures and restart the cycle"

Alein : "you...



Alein dark: " I do actually

I'm gonna do what you failed to do and make a perfect world"

Sapphire: "what are you babbling about"

Alein dark: " let me tell you a story demon king

One of hardwork, effort, and pure disappointment"

Sapphire: "...."

Alein: "back when the world was created

We chiseled it to perfection

Perfect harmony between elements

Beauty in nature

Peace among races

It was the most perfect piece of art that ever existed

Or at least it was supposed to be

Not long after we made the world

The world started making creatures of its own



And demons...

As that wasn't enough

Races started fighting each other for dominance

And an entire race the Druid's was wiped out because of the magical imbalance that affected the world

Something that the gods didn't put into consideration when designing this world

This world already reached the point of no fixing

It's broken

So I'll destroy it and start over"

Alein: " ARE YOU MAD"

Alein dark: " I'm sane

You're the mad one

How long have you kept this world going on nothing but duct tape

After we wipe out life

We and the other gods will start over

We'll make a better world

One where we will not make the same mistakes as before"

Sapphire: "is it me or this is a conversation about mass genocide"

Alein dark: " it's not"

Sapphire: " Good"

Alein dark: " I'm just ending all life and starting over"

Sapphire: " Oh well that's fine then




Alein dark: "there is no saving the world

The world is chaotic

Every while either a monster a demon lord a plague or a war breaks out"

Alein: "there is no way the other gods would agree to help you"

Alein dark: "they will if they have no other choice

Or alternative"

Sapphire: "what are you on about"

Alein dark: "tell me Sapphire

What do you think happens when a God dies"

Sapphire: " what happens"

Alein: " a new God is born to take its place..


Is that what you are planning"

Alein dark: " indeed

If there is even the smallest fragment left of the god

It will become the god and slowly regenerate its power

Right now you have two split fragments


And me

Between the two of us

I hold the most of you

So if you die

I'll become the new goddess "

Sapphire:" that still doesn't mean the other gods will side with you"

Alein dark: " oh yes they will

You see

us gods have incredible powers

But non of us can make anything on our own"

Sapphire: "meaning?"

Alein: "if the world is destroyed

They'll need to start over

And they'll need me to make souls again for it to work

The gods each have their own races but they didn't make them alone

Living creatures are born from water earth fire and wind all together

And I breath the soul into them

If even a single element is missing

It won't work

And if I'm the goddess of life

If they want me to do my work

They'll have to compromise on some things"

Sapphire: " but how do you intend to destroy the world

Even as a Goddess it won't be easy"

Brax: "with this"

Brax says as he holds some big white sphere in his hands

Chapter End