Chapter 1 Why, Universe, Why?

A powerful mythical creature fall in love with a human, but the universe is against their love and have been trying to stop it but...

Caprielle:Please, Universe I'll do anything just let me love a human.


Caprielle:Yes, please!

Universe:Okay, my condition is you have to give up being the guardian of the stars and when you have you human form kill yourself in front of her.

Caprielle:What, Is there anything else?

Universe:No, I'll give you till sunrise to think about your answer or you'll never see that human.

Caprielle:Fine, I'll do it.

Universe:(Sending Caprielle back down to earth.)

Caprielle seeing Viria

Viria:My love what are you doing here and why are you crying did the universe do something?

Caprielle:I'm sorry my love, but universe wants me to kill myself in front of you so I can reincarnate as human and find you.

Viria:Don't worry my love,we'll do this together till our next life together, I love you.

Caprielle:No, enjoy your life, I promise I will find you.

Viria:I think my time here is enough, all I want now is to be with you.

Caprielle:(Whispers"I love you, My universe").

Viria:(Whispers"I love you too, My Universe").

Caprielle and Viria killed themselves but before that Caprielle secretly put a tattoo on both their risk so that he can find her easily, but will they, will the universe let them be together, find out on the next chapter.