Chapter 5 The Dead


Caprielle:What my uni tell me,please I'm worried you've been cold to me for almost a week.

Viria:Well it's because I don't feel quite okay.


Viria:I'm dying, I'm sorry my uni(Lie), I'm sorry(tears dropping.)

Caprielle:(Hugging her) It's OK my uni, but isn't there any solution?

Viria:No there isn't,I'm sorry also I have only one week left, please don't tell anyone anyways I love you my uni.

Caprielle:I love you too my uni, so what do you want to do?

Viria:Just stay by my side, I want to be always with and here promise me you'll read this when I'm gone(Handing a letter to Caprielle).

Caprielle:I promise my uni.

After that in the middle of the night.

Viria's letter:

Hi my uni, when you read this I'm probably dead by I just want to tell you that I'm sorry if it's too late for us, I hope that even if I'm an angel I'll still see smile in you eye also I want you to know I love you so much and you'll always be my you universe, oh my precious uni I love you and till the next time we'll meet again.

After reading Caprielle started crying saying in his mind "Universe why, why when people truly love each other there always someone who die, why can't you give us time please it's too painful".

At school gossiping "I heard our one of power couple is now dead"

"Really why.?"

"I heard she's secretly dying, how tragic that two people who love each other can never be physically together only at heart."

"Yeah sad story"

"no wonder he doesn't want to talk to anyone or even the teacher's who approached him."

"yeah I guess he really loved her."