Chapter 7 New Classmate

Viria:so, uni what did I miss at school?

Caprielle:Well nothing much, just a new weird and mysterious new girl at school.

Viria:Okay, so you knew her?

Caprielle:No, but you'll see what I'm talking about tomorrow.

Viria:Tomorrow, how about the people who really think I'm dead?

Caprielle:I'll handle it, don't worry.

Viria:Okay, are you sure?

Caprielle:Yeah, I've also actually developed new powers but don't worry I know what the side effects are so, I can handle it.

Viria:Alright if you say so.

Tomorrow at school

Gossips:Isn't she dead?, yeah is she, like what?!, let's see if they'll explain, by the way there new topic it's about the weird new girl...

Caprielle:Uni, come on are you alright?

Viria:Umm, what sorry... Its nothing.

Girl #1:Hey umm excuse, hi I'm Creatia nice to meet are you new around here?

Viria:(Shocked)... Umm hi, actually I've been studying here for almost 3yrs but I stop cause I get sick but I'm back.

Creatia:oh, well its nice to hear you okay and can I ask are you close with that man?

Viria:Yes, he's my boyfriend, why did you ask?

Creatia:Well, nothing I just want to be friends.

Viria:Okay...sure(In her mind"umm she's some what familiar also that hand it's feels like I've held it before but where, when hmmmm interesting? ").