Chapter 15 Mind?!


Viria:Uhh*groans*What happened where am I... Hello.. Hello anybody.. Its so dark I can't see clearly.. Hello.. Anybody please Help Me!!

A strange voice:Hello and welcome to're own mind.

Viria:My own mind?

A strange voice:yes, you're right.

Viria:why am I here, what am I doing here?

A strange voice:you should question yourself remember "this is your own mind".

Viria:How am I gonna do that?

A strange voice:remember ask yourself(voice fade in the distance.)

Viria:Wait don't leave.. Don.. *ughh so what am I gonna do here I'm stuck.. Think self.. Think... This is gonna make me crazy!!


Caprielle:So, Virianna right, in troduce yourself.

Virianna:Well, I'm Virianna the long lost twin of Viria and I grow up in an orphanage when a strange person fostered me and I met my twin Viria.

Caprielle:So, you didn't see that person

Virianna:No but that person bribed everyone so that person can be my Foster parents and at first I was happy and creeped put but I just go with*smirking evily.

Caprielle:How that person treated you?

Virianna:At first that first was friendly but never dare to reveal his/her Identity even I can go anywhere except his/her room, it was very weird but I said to myself as long as I am sheltered nicely it's fine with me.

Caprielle:Well, now you have a great sister, an uncle, and a great brother in law.

Virianna:Brother in law?

Caprielle:We'll yes me, cause I'm you're sister's boyfriend and future husband.

Virianna:oh, really?!


Virianna:anyways class is over I got to go home contact me if Viria contact you.

Caprielle:Okay be careful sis.

Virianna:You too.

Caprielle:(While driving) Pick up... Uni please pick up....please pick up.. Finally hello.. Hello Uni?