Unexpected I Fell In Love

Annabelle is dressed for work and is about to leave when she sees Margarate drinking beer at the table.

Annabelle: I'll have to get the car any time soon, but I don't have enough money. Do you have any plans of giving me part of the money?. We can't keep wasting money on Uber.

Margarate: As you can see I'm very broke. I don't have even a single cent right now.

Annabelle: (Getting frustrated because Margarate keeps drinking) You know it's very important that we bring the car to this house. If it weren't for you we wouldn't be suffering right now.

Margarate: (Angrily) I told you I don't have any money. When will your dad ever support us?, huh?. All he knows is to spend lavishly on his stupid girlfriend. Do you know how much I suffered when your dad left me?. He left me with absolutely nothing.

Annabelle: Why don't you work on your alcoholic problem first before you start blaming other people?. You know very well you gamble all the money you get from your paycheck. You even use it to buy alcohol. Do you know what I see every time I open the fridge?, alcohol. I see bottles of beer everywhere.

Margarate: (More angry) Excuse me?.

Annabelle: You don't take responsibility for us like a mother would. You don't feed us, you don't do anything for us.

Margarate: You are so disrespectful!. (In a loud voice) Get out of my house.

Annabelle: I already lost all respect for you the moment you became irresponsible (leaves, slamming the door behind her).

Margarate: (Screams) And make sure you pack all your things when you get back. You might as well go back to your father. (Clarissa and Eline are terrified but, they pretend to be focused on their smartphones).

At Annabelle's Work-Place

Annabelle is a bit emotional. She is frustrated, depressed and weary when all of a sudden, she hears her phone buzz. It's a text from Harry.

Annabelle: (grabs her phone and reads. "Hi, I just thought I should check on you. Are you okay?") I'm not okay (breaks down in tears while putting her phone aside).

Two Days Later

At Annabelle's Apartment

Annabelle is taking out the dishes from the dishwasher when her phone rings in her pocket.

Annabelle: (Pulls out her phone from her pocket and slides to answer) Diana, Diana!. Who on earth would have the guts to disturb my phone every single day?.

Voice: None other than me, your best friend. That's the role I'll forever play in your life, so you better get used to it.

Annabelle: (Smiles) Tell me, what does her majesty want?.

Voice: We're having a get together at the beach. Volleyball!. We're going to play volleyball as well and we're short of one player.

Annabelle: (Immediately declines) No Diana!. There's no way I'm coming with you.

Voice: Please, for the sake of our friendship.

Annabelle: But I don't want to go.

Voice: Annabelle (pouting her lips), your friend needs you. I'll buy you all the treats you want. I will be your pocket for today.

Annabelle: I said no. Your tricks won't work. I'm busy right now, bye(disconnects the call). She's so annoying sometimes.

1 Hour Later

Annabelle is eating the sweet treats Diana bought for her (cake and ice cream), while Diana watches.

Annabelle: I didn't know you were such a good friend (licks her lips and continues eating). You came all the way here just to give me this. Thank you (continues eating).

Diana: (Smiles awkwardly) Actually, part of the reason I came here is because I really need you in my team. (making cute faces at Annabelle) Please come play with us, please (giving Annabelle a back massage in order to convince her).

Annabelle: (Breaths heavily) But I really don't want to go.

Diana: You're already eating the stuffs I bought. You can't say no.

Annabelle: (I complete ignored his message (referring to Harry). I'll just go, who cares?) On one condition.

Diana: Anything, just name it.

Annabelle: I get to bring my sisters along.

Diana: (Exclaims in excitement) Done deal!. We have enough food and drinks and they can enjoy themselves for as long as they want.

Annabelle: (Pinches Diana's cheek) I love you. (Leaves for the bedroom to change her outfit) Girls, we're going to the beach.

At the Beach

Diana, Annabelle and her siblings arrive at the beach 1hour later.

Diana: (Parks the car and unbuckles her seatbelt) We're here.

Annabelle: (Looking all around and admiring the beach when she spots Harry talking to a few girls with big breasts and nice bodies. They look extremely hot in bikinis. There are a few guys with him as well. She feels discouraged to get out of the car. Pretends to be excited) We are here!. (I feel like I'm going to throw up. Look at all these hot and beautiful people. I don't stand a chance at all. I feel so embarrassed, I just want to disappear. I can't tell Diana to take me back. Whatever, I'll just have to endure). Let's go (Diana, Annabelle and her siblings all leave the car. Diana takes them to her friends to introduce them).