Chapter Eight

Gemma's P.O.V

Well, today is the party! I'm a little nervous because I don't know what is going to happen once, we get there and everybody meets for the first time.

*2 hours later*

As we pull up to James' house, we could hear the music playing and the people yelling and having fun. "I don't know if I can do this...don't get me wrong I really want you guys to meet Katherine, but this is my first party since that night." I told the girls. "Nonsense, this is your idea!" Yelled Nikita. "Whatever, it doesn't matter...let's just go." I said as I got out of the car with a blank expression on my face.

As we enter the house, I realised that there is a lot more people here than I expected to be and the music is a lot louder inside than it is outside. I look over to my left and see the kitchen and I notice that Katherine is heading this way with a huge grin on her face...that can't be good. "Hey! You came!" She shouted over the loud music. "Yeah! I almost didn't show up!" I replied with a slight chuckle. "Oh! Before I forget, Katherine this is Nikita, Jess, Caitlyn and Robyn. Guys this is Katherine!" I introduced them to each other. "Hi! It's great to finally put faces to the names I've been hearing so much about." Katherine replied laughing slightly at the last bit. "Same here!" Replied Jess with a small smile. Well this is extremely awkward I mean I knew it was going to be a little awkward, but not this much. Suddenly a figure came out from behind Kat. "Boo!!" Shouted James. Both Kat and I jumped slightly but it was not noticeable whereas with the others it looks like they are going to need a fresh set of underwear. "James!! Why did you need to do that!" Yelled Katherine. James just smiled and I swear my heart started beating fast than the music itself. Snap out of it!! I told myself. Now is not the time to start daydreaming. I started pay attention as Jess started talking, "So, where is the booze?" I looked at her with a somewhat shocked expression. How the bloody hell could she just say that so bluntly. The more I talk the more you'll realize I say 'Bloody Hell' a lot. "Seriously?" Robyn muttered under her breath, but loud enough for me to hear over the music. "Of course, there is booze, it wouldn't be a party without it!" James replied with his goofy smile. "Knock yourself out." Said Katherine with a smirk.

Soon they all disappeared into the crowd, leaving me there all alone. Great! Just what I expected. Well this is my fault considering I am the one who mentioned this stupid party.

*3 hours later*

Well, it's official they ditched me. I mean I realised that a lot earlier, but I had a bit of hope left so I thought why not. This is why not; I am just going to go home because I clearly do not belong here. I was stupid enough to think I do. With one last look at the house I left down the long pavement to the bus station making sure to send the girls a message saying exactly where I am going.