"Are you sure this is needed?" Harry complained. I looked down at his essay, "Yes 100% needed." I say, focusing back in my book. Harry sucks, at potions no joke. He has to complete one essay, and can't even write the first paragraph. "Gosh Harry! It's simple to use the books, that's why we're here right!?" I say. He just groaned sticking his head in a book. He was holding it upside down. Harry is annoying sometimes, but that isn't the problem right now is it? No, he's not the problem, it's Emma which I need to stay a look for. I was reading a book one day it was about, Alphas since I'm one and I need to reinforce my knowledge but something interested me more. The word AU, I tried to find what it means, but it was no use. I couldn't find its definition anywhere, so that's why I'm here. Well, I carried Harry to come along because it would also benefit him, but I'm about to let Hermione tie him to a chair. I spin my book around in my hands until I came upon an interesting page. "AU, shippers?" I asked myself, scanning the book over and over again. "Shippers?" and there's that word again AU. I decided that I could talk with Granger, she knew a thing or two about everything.
"Fine Harry we'll leave, but if you fail don't blame me," I say, grabbing his books, and paperwork. "Fine," Harry says, slipping out of his seat. "I'm going to my common room, pass by if you need "HELP" come, but it's not to copy my essay," I assure him, making him chuckle. I walk towards the annoying eagle in front of our common room. It took a while before the eagle appeared, and spoke its annoying riddle. "I have, a head and a tail, but nobody what am I?" The eagle asked. I rolled my eyes, this was too easy, "A coin." I say as the eagle hesitated to let me in. I sometimes wonder if the eagle likes seeing people be miserable not solving his riddles, maybe it's his job. I mean it's like it doesn't want you to pass! The common room was calming, compared to the Slytherins. No one likes spending time in here, but I prefer it that way. Slytherins are always at one's tail, you can't hide anything from them! Unlike here not everyone is in your business. I walked towards the boys' dorms when I saw Ema sitting on my bed! Flipping through my books!"Oh, there you are! I couldn't find a book, so I checked here, and just noticed you had it!" She said, standing up, getting off my bed. I was about to put my stuff down, when Ema grabbed me, and asked, "What's fear?" I looked up at her, the way she asked me, scared the heck out of me. " Fear is being afraid of something most likely dangerous, painful, or threatening," I say. "I never asked what fear feels like, that's the definition, and what's the connection?" She says, bending down to look at my eyes. I had fallen on the ground, as Emma was gripping me with all force. I shake my head. "Fear as we know it has 2 meanings, Forget everything, and run, or Face everything and rise." "Which one will you choose?" she said, staring at me with her dark brown eyes. "Oh, and thanks for the book!" She said, smiling at me walking towards the girls' dorm. Emma is a weird girl, I don't know how she didn't end up in Slytherin.
I stood up and thought for a little while. "Fear, has 2 meanings?" I repeat to myself. Her words carry power and meaning but she's still a mystery. I changed out of my robes dressing in a white loose T-shirt, and some gray shorts. I stopped using gel, I don't why younger me used so much of it. I combed my hair, which didn't exist in Harry's dictionary. His hair is always so beautiful, and it looks so fine.. so touchable. It's surly soft. Ok enough of daydreaming! I got out my books, and flipped through the pages, until I reached a section of
"Time Travel Shippers." the chapter is really short, but it'll do. "Time Traveling Shippers, travel to different eras/times to get a pair of love birds Together." "Most of these people, are sent to help out a person, and they come from an AU." "An AU assistance (Alternate Universe.) has to make sure to complete their missions. Not many people have known AU assistance Shippers, and they're something different." the book read.
I put the book down, is Ema one of them? Is she from an AU? why's she here in my world!? Questions raced through my mind, from where's she's from to is she on our side? I heard the common room door open, and Hermione entered the common room just in time! "Hermione come Look!" I yell, motioning her to come, she follows through. "What's up?" She asks walking towards my bed and plopping down. "I have an interesting theory..." I say, my skin feeling a bit heavier than before. I didn't notice how badly, I was sweating until I brushed my fingers on my palm. "A theory about what?" she asks, looking at me. "About Emma." I said quietly, "What about her?" Granger asks. I hand her my book and turn to the page. She silently reads through it and then turns my attention back to me. She gestures I explain, I sigh. "Well, I think that Emma is acting a little weird, and she doesn't seem like anyone from here," I add, thumb fighting myself. I couldn't tell her more, my temperature raised, as I felt the room getting hotter. She looks at me, giving me a ' please explain more' look. "I think she might be an AU shipper," I say, letting out a breath, I didn't even know I was holding. I knew that Hermione needed to know more, but I couldn't tell her I went back in time. She smiled at me, as she stood up, "I'll do more research about it." Hermione says, grabbing her bag, placing my book in her bag. "Ok thank you," I say returning a smile, as she turns back and leaves. I lay on my bed, thinking about this. Then it hit me, what if she's here to help me?
What if Ema is here to ship me, and Harry... bloody hell...