2. "The council will decide your fate"

Seeing aralyn waiting patently for his response he told her "my superiors" hearing this her interest grow [how is this dream so elaborate the appearance of the god was very realistic and how did I fall asleep?] as she was thinking he was now infront of his superiors aralyn notice this and payed attention S1:what brings you here?" The god carrying her replied "this soul was not affected by the river it has a bubble around it which I suspect was the caused. On my way here the soul spoke to me with is way I asked to speak with you" the gods talked amoungs them selfs and S1 told him " we have never see the river not affect a soul but we have see a soul speak with difficulty a word we suggest you find a way to get rid of the bubble and put it in the river that is all." As the god was about to leave aralyn spoke " not to disturb you but is this a dream?" All the gods in the counsel and the god holding her froze and were silent after what seemed like forever aralyn spoke again. " what?" The gods stared at her soul " What did i do?" After some silence the god that spoke to the god of recarnation spoke "$!#÷ what did you find?" $!#÷ answer "I-I do not know." After the counsel talked on what to do they settled for a solution "$!#÷, leave the soul here you will be rewarded later for now retern to the river and cuntinue watching it." With a nod the god left leaving aralyn on a the desk of a console member.