Chapter 7 first customer

Charlie grey was an there way to the noble's Academy to learn how to manage the land that will belong to them when their dad can no longer do his duty's for his people and passes it down to them. So charlie needed to go and the carriage ride she spoted the poster aralyn put up last night and her curiosity rose. The reason why charlie was going on the part of the empire aralyn was l, is because the roud that was normal used was infested with crime from robbery to out right murder so the grey duke routed it though there.

*one academy day later at the dorms*

charlie was given a roommate they where from the ravenclaw family their name was susie they got along great and became friend quick will talking to susie, charlie was still thinking of the place wondering what was freddy fazbear's? and what did the scratched part use to read? So she brought it up in their talk " hey susie I saw a poster outside a building when I was headed here it was named Freddy fazbear's it was interesting." susie replied "hmm that is interesting why are you bringing it up? If you don't mind me asking?" charlie - "well it was nagging on me sense I saw it it looked old but I never seen it before as i went through that roud at times when I was little." With that answer susie was enticed by the place so asked "why don't we go there?" charlie eyes brighted and asked "Why don't we go there now!?" With a happy voice. So with that susie ordered the carriage to bring them there when they arrived there was a sign on the door and a slot next to it the sign read. "this door unlocks when the equivalent of 6 gold coins are entered in the slot this is a measure to ensure that only the best entertainment is given to you as the devices inside are very expensive to make and repair and this is to keep vandals out sorry for the incevinence - from the owner." The price for entry were nothing to them as they got 1000 gold coins a week to spend on necessity like food and also for luxuries like dresses so they got planty to spend on entry and it was just to unlock the door till it was close so both of them will be able to enter for 6g and so they entered with the door looking from the inside to keep out unpaying people.