Part 2

As they figured out that the bunny goes left and the chicken goes right the each where in charge of a door. charlie was at the left while susie was at the right and checking cams. When the clock stroke 4AM aralyn increased the AI of chica and Bonnie to 2 making the chance to move greater.

But this was bearly noticed by the girls as the where focused on shining the light and closing the doors when needed. As the end of the shift was hit 6AM the grandfather clock chime let them know they where done. But just to make sure susie checked the cameras of the entire place to make sure then the went out of the office.

When they arrived to the dining area the where greeted with a women about 5,2 in a grey coat that looked like a scientist's lab coat and a black sweatshirt underneath and uncanny black pants with no wrinkles on it. This was of course aralyn that has just left the safe room. charlie. Spock first "who are you?"