Chapter 2

¨This is grave news¨ said Sagestar, ¨thank you for telling me, the Clan will have to prepare and adapt to whatever danger is coming. I want you to tell the rest of the apprentices to bring more rose bushes or brambles to put around the barrier, it was not much help last attack. ¨ ¨Thank you mighty leader, I will bring them before sunrise.¨ said Leafpaw. ¨Thank you, we will discuss the attack and the danger that is coming. You are dismissed. Leafpaw left the leader's den and realized how hungry she was. She picked up a rabbit and she decided to sleep until she would get the other apprentices at sunrise. She settled into the apprentice den and fell into a deep sleep. ¨Leafpaw!, Leafpaw!, get up!¨ Leafpaw woke up to see Dewpaw prodding her with a paw. ¨ We get to go on a hunting patrol!¨ she practically screamed, excitement evident in her voice. ¨Yes!!¨ yelled Leafpaw then raced out of the den. She met with Lionheart, Luckyriver, and Dewpaw at the entrance of the camp. ¨Today, we will teach you the boundaries of the clan, and how to protect them. "Follow me¨ said Luckyriver. Leafpaw followed the warriors until she picked up a strong scent. ¨you smell the border, good. This is where you will… ¨ Leafpaw heard a yowl from behind the border. Three cats walked out. ¨what are you doing near OUR border!¨ said a taller one. ¨teaching our fellow clan members about how to stay away from you¨ Lionheart spat. ¨ Well see who the one mad at the gathering¨ the other laughed. ¨STay on your side and we will stay on ours¨ Luckyriver said with a bit of threat. They laughed and jumped into the underbrush. ¨Come on Leafpaw, you've seen the border now it is time to prepare for the gathering. Leafpaw watched the whole thing play out and was surprised about how the different clans reacted to rivalries. When she got back to camp, she sat under the high rock which was a big glowing stone. Soon, their leader, the almighty Sagstar, creator of nature, jumped onto the rock. ¨Welcome Leaf clan, Tonight is the first gathering we have attended in moons. We have much to say about the upcoming danger and the attack from IsletClan. I will bring all of the clan except for PigeonFace, Lightleaf, and Snaketail. All the cats who aren't those warriors, meet me at the entrance but at sunset. Be prepared for anything at the gathering, you are dismissed¨ Sagstar finished and jumped off the highrock.