Chapter 4

Leafpaw awoke to Birdpaw prodding her side. "Wake up sleepy bones! I've been trying to get you up for ages, Luckyriver is taking me to patrol the IsletClan border and he said you could come with me!" at the words "patrol" and "IsletClan border" Leafpaw jumped up. "Of course I'll come with you!" "yes!" Birdpaw cheered. "I'll meet you at the entrance to the camp, better hurry though, Luckyriver is getting kind of impatient." "don't worry," Leafpaw smiled. "I'll be there in a sec" "okay!" Birdpaw bounded out of the den, her gray tail swinging out behind her. Leafpaw shook herself free of the debris clinging to her pelt and trodden out of the den, careful not to wake any of the other apprentices, as she walked across the camp her gaze drifted to the empty elder's den. They had lost their last elder, Hollyferral, just last greenleaf. Leafpaw could still remember the sound of her voice, and all the stories she could tell, the ones about Owlstar, and his quest for glory how he created LeafClan with a wave of his paw, how he conquered IsletClan and their water and sky powers, then dubbed Shellstar the leader, and how the clans lived in peace. Leafpaw chuckled to herself, she couldn't believe that IsletClan had powers, maybe they once did, but none of them had shown any capabilities of magic in a long time, well, not since last night. Leafpaw shivered, remembering Shellstar's cold blue eyes. How can a cat be that scary? "Leafpaw! Are you gonna standstill in the middle of a clearing or are you gonna come and patrol the border with us?" a voice cut through her daydreams and Leafpaw bounded over to Birdpaw, "sorry!" "It's fine!" Birdpaw chuckled but Luckyriver scowled, turned to the entrance, and started walking. Birdpaw looked at Leafpaw and giggled. "C'mon before he leaves us behind!" Leafpaw and Birdpaw bounced after Luckyriver and enjoyed the view. When they reached the border Luckyriver silenced them "you don't know what could be lurking in the shadows." we nodded in agreement and stopped talking. They enjoyed the rest of the patrol in silence and were heading back to camp when Leafpaw heard a slight shuffling noise from near the border. ¨you guys go ahead, il catch up¨ she said with a hint of concern and curiosity. She backtracked her way to where she had heard the noise and poked her head through the bush. There, standing on a stone, beside the river was a small black she-cat, her back turned to Leafpaw, she was doing something with her paws and her tail was slowly gliding side to side. The cat seemed to be moving water! Leafpaw jumped out of the brush and hissed. The other cat also jumped up and threw a paw of water at her. Stunned. She said, ¨why have you come into leaf clan territory! ¨I didn't, I oh,¨ she looked down and saw she was paw steps away from her border"Oh god- I'm sorry, I didn't realize that I had crossed the border. "LEAFPAW WHERE ARE YOU?" a voice shouted through the wind. Leafpaw sighed. "Just- don't do it again," she growled. The cat nodded. "I promise I won't! Thank you!" as she bounded away across the clifftops the cat called behind her, "my name is Alicepaw by the way!" "Leafpaw!" Leafpaw called after her. Alicepaw smiled and vanished from view. Alicepaw…. Hmmm… what a strange name. Leafpaw thought to herself just as Birdpaw popped into the clearing. "There you are! Luckyriver is already back in camp, we have to go fast before he realizes that we are not there!" guess what- he noticed. Leafpaw grumbled as she dragged the dirty moss from the apprentice's den, a worthy price to pay for meeting Alicepaw. I guess IsletClan does have powers after all. But, if they did, then why when they attacked us, why didn't they use their powers?