chapter: -1 (the history part two)

Zahhak had a choice and he chose to obey the snakes and he chose to kill a human and eat its brain. At first he didn't like to hurt innocent people so he ordered his men to bring a prisoner who had murdered a farmer in cold blood to his room. They obey his order and brought the prisoner to his room. The pain in his body was immeasurable. He looked at the prisoner and ask his name but before he could answer those snakes heads attacked and killed that prisoner. He wanted to stop them but somehow it was as if he wanted to do this. Snakes heads ate the prisoner as Zahhak watched.

    Finally after few seconds all his pain had gone. Zahhak had learned how to ease the pain. All he needed to do was eat humans on daily basis but first he needed to convince himself to that again he knew this was unforgivable. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and he said to himself: look at yourself Zahhak. You have done all the sins in this world does it really matter if you kill murderers you are doing this for your people aren't you.

    Zahhak was right he had done all the sins in book he had killed people before so this was not that special for him the first four years of his ruling over the world he had no dreams about Angra Mainyu and ate so many people that the crime rate got to absolute zero. So with no criminal to eat his pain returned he had no choice but to convince himself once again but this time was to kill innocent people.

    Zahhak said to himself looking at his own reflection in the mirror: you need to eat human brain to remain powerful. you only to kill some people to protect others that's the rule.

    It was obvious for that he was telling himself lies just to convince himself but he still was afraid of Angra Mainyu so decided to kill old people but his snakes heads didn't like the old humans so he started to kill the youth to ease his pain and that was were Zahhak become truly the Azdahhak.

    He killed people for hundreds of years. He ate one youth from every day no one had the power to stop him or even face him. He lost his beauty and his reputation. He become a true monster but when no one had any hopes to defeat Azdahhak his daughter Athena gather an army to defeat Azdahhak. Their battle lasted for day thousands of soldiers lost their lives in the end her army wasn't strange enough. She ordered her army to retreat while she and ten soldiers bought time for them to retreat. Azdahhak felt both sad and happy at the same time as he was looking at while riding his black hours. She attacked Azdahhak while riding her hours but with one slash Azdahhak killed her hours and she fell to the ground.

   Hopeless and alone like a red flower in burning jungle with no way to scape she looked at her father one last time soldiers attacked her from left and right while was trying to kill Azdahhak. Azdahhak grabbed her hand and had his snakes killed her. How sad of a death most have been to die by you father like you were nothing.

     One of the rebellion soldiers that help and died with Athena that day was Abtin. Abtin was grand son of the first empire and he was married to women named Faranak. They had a newborn son named Fereydun which Faranak was taking care of at time.

   After death of Athena no one was even thinking about challenging Azdahhak directly. One day Azdahhak had a dream about son of Abtin in which Fereydun defeat Azdahhak and take his kingdom. For Azdahhak this was a big problems at all decided at all costs he most stop that from happening. So he send his soldiers kill both of them.

   One of the soldiers who was tired of all Azdahhak shenanigans ran and decided to help Faranak run away. His name was Eral. He got on his horseback and rushed towards Faranak house. He told her about Azdahhak plans he got on his horseback and asked what will she do. she got on horseback while holding to her son with one hand.

   When they exited the house they saw hundreds of Azdahhak soldiers were coming to kill Faranak and Fereydun. Eral rushed towards the jungle and Azdahhak soldiers chased after them. For every arrow that Eral shot towards soldiers there was hundreds arrows that they shot at him. The only advantage that Eral had were trees in the jungle but even then some of the arrows hit him , Faranak and his horse. Eventually Azdahhak soldiers lost them so they decided to set Jungle on fire just to kill Faranak , her son and Eral. Eral reached a river in the jungle and then he noticed the flames behind him. He rushed to get to the get to the other side of the river. After he got to the other side of the river he look at the flames one more time as he slow down so his horse could get some rest.

    Only to start moving again in few seconds later. After few hours of traveling they reached a cave and they decided to rest in there so they could tend to their wounds after that they leave that cave and kept on going till they eventuality reached a village in the mountains. The chief of the village had lost his child like many others because Azdahhak needed to eat human. Faranak and Eral explained everything to the chief and he lets them stay there.

   18 Year passed after that day and Fereydun grew up to become a great looking man with a kind heart and Eral married Faranak in that time but the important thing was that Azdahhak didn't have any other dreams from that day onwards.

   Fereydun had learnd fighting from both Eral , his mother and several other teachers. He trained every day none stop since he was 13 so he would be ready to defeat Azdahhak.

   After few months Fereydun was ready to face Azdahhak with out fear so he traveled all around the world to gather an army to stop Azdahhak.

   People of the world were so fed up with Azdahhak that join Fereydun as fast as they could with out any questions. Fereydun was aware of Athenas fate so unlike her he did not engaged in any fights. He slowly build his army and then he made his move.

   At same time capital of Azdahhak kingdom a man blacksmith named Kaveh who had lost two of his children to Azdahhak he raised his leather apron on a spear. He asked for justice , he asked people to join him , he ask for help and he for Fereydun to help them. People from all over the capital ask for the same thing.

   When Fereydun reached the capital Kaveh opened the gate doors of the city for him and Kaveh begged Fereydun to defeat Azdahhak and bring justice back to this land.

   Fereydun bravely walk towards Azdahhak castle at this point it was obvious that Azdahhak was no longer a king but a shell of his former self. Azdahhak had nothing left for him. As he walked alone in his castle garden with his fancy clothing tears dropped from his eyes old memories broke his heart. Azdahhak had done all this for his people than why all this happened he kept asking himself. Why his favorite child betrayed him? why he looked like a monster? Why this garden had no flowers? Why it had no trees? As if he was trying to not think about his problems.

    He sits on his throne waiting for Fereydun to enter his garden. Fereydun walked in Azdahhak garden. Azdahhak with his fancy clothing was sitting on his golden throne while Fereydun was approaching him.

    with out any worlds Fereydun attacked Azdahhak. Azdahhak snakes heads opened their mouth and threw flames towards Fereydun. Fereydun used his shield to defend himself. Hit after hit both of them did not hold back even a bit. Fereydun cut Azdahhaks snakes heads several times and yet they kept growing out of Azdahhak shoulders like never ending flams. Azdahhak used all kind of magic he known to kill Fereydun but none of them could kill that great hero of justice.

  The battle lasted for hours but in the end Fereydun was victorious. Fereydun knocked Azdahhak out and he imprisoned Azdahhak in mountain Damāvand because for hidden reasons he couldn't kill Azdahhak.

  Finally after thousand years of darkness a great man became king of this world and he took leather apron of Kaveh to use as a flag of his kingdom.

 Later Fereydun divided his kingdom into parts and he gave each part to one of his children. This will turned out to be his biggest mistake.

After the fact that king of king Fereydun shared his kingdom equally. greed and jealousy of his children was so much that they killed their brother to still his kingdom.but what they did not counted for was grand child of their brother king Manuchehr he defeated them in fourteen battle and with the death of all the children of king of king Fereydun a new age began.