5. Soul Network

After the sudden Invasion of the Night Fighters, and Mr. Smiles' Beastly Transformation, Ron have yet, another chance at getting back home to his reality.

"What must we do first to get me home?" Ron asked

- Mr. Smiles took a minute to answer.

"Hm. well, I have to do a little research, but I may need a drop of your blood, only a drop."

"My blood again"

"I know, but yeah, since it's your reality and your the one I'm transferring over, I only need a drop. Now, If I was helping a different species, for example, from this universe, I may require some different things. But lucky for you, I only need a drop of blood."

"Hm., That seems easy. Too easy, don't you think." Ron said

"Well, that's why i need to do some research, to ensure this goes the way it should."

~ After forming a plan of getting Ron back home, Mr. Smiles have to now do some reach. Firstly, he must explain how he even got to Shadow world to begin with.

"It nearly crossed my mind, I almost forgot to explain to you how you ended up here. If you have time, I could try to explain it as clearly to you as i can."

~ Ron too nearly forgot that. He shook his head in response to Mr. Smiles' offer.

"Ok, but firstly, tell me what you remember, then I'll continue from there"

"Ok well, I remember me and my friend Joe, went out to a burger store, and long story short, we had a good time, then we both went home. I remember I was tired, and ready to go to sleep, then I heard a noise, I check the when house and i didn't find anyone, at first, I thought it was Joe, but it turned out to be, well you. You know the rest. When I went to sleep I kept the .... LIGHT ON!!!, SHIT!!!..I FORGOT THE LIGHTS WERE ON!!!" Ron explained

~ After listening to Ron's story, Mr. Smiles had a good idea of how Ron ended up in Shadow world.

"Hm. I may know the cause here."

- Ron was excited to hear that, he turned his head towards Mr. Smiles to listen.

"Allow me to explain, for starters, the main problem here was your lights. I tried to warn you, "NO LIGHTS", but that might've been my fault. I'm not from your world so, your species aren't use to seeing my kind. Anyway, when you was falling asleep, that's the moment it all took place."

"Hm, what took place?" Ron asked

"Well, I'm not sure if your use to the term "Soul Network", but it's all connected to how you got here. It happens when your species go to sleep. A part of you separates from your physical body, and that separated body, or "Soul" is what travels through your dreams. Now, to understand how you got here, you have to know what Soul Network is, but long story short, you was kidnapped, you wasn't supposed to come to this world, but the world of dreams. My theory is, that the Night Fighters felt your Soul energy, and they grabbed you and carried it here. Now, understand this, you had no memory of this cause when your species go to sleep, they don't receive memories until their "Soul Body" gets to the World of dreams. Since your Soul body was grabbed before, you have no memory of being grabbed by the Night Fighters. That would explain why they were the first to meet you. I knew something wasn't right, they have been watching you for sometime. I'm not sure if you remember, that note you found earlier that day. It was from me."

- Shocked and confused of what he just heard, he shook his head in response to it.

" Yea...yeah I remember that note, so it was you that place it. How?" Ron asked

"Soul Network is simply the universe or space where souls travel. It's all connected"

"Ok, I think I understand a little better now. So, how can I get back home?." Ron asked

"Oh that's easy, we just have to travel back to the Soul Network, and get you to the world of dreams, from there, you should be good, all you have to do after that is either, experience a dream and wake up or well, there's a more not so good way."

"Hm, and what way is that" Ron said

"Well, you have to experience what your species call a "Nightmare", it's similar to a normal one but It's more violent. it should scare you awake. let's hope you don't get that one."

"Can you just get me a good dream?" Ron asked

"Unfortunately I can't, as you could see, I'm not as powerful as it seem. Only in this room, I have power. Outside it, well, I'm just like you. My power becomes very limited. The World of dreams determines the dream you get, the force within. Anything outside it, doesn't have power."

"Ok, I see. So it's still possible but i have to experience a dream." Ron said

"That's about right, but don't worry, once your back in the world of dreams, you will go back to your right universe, once the dream ends."

"Great. that's just good. So, how do we get to the world of dreams?" Ron said

~ Mr. Smiles took a moment to think of the answer before he answered.

"It's possible but we may need to tap into the universal power of the soul Network, now, I'm not sure what may happen, but it might work better with your DNA. Your DNA may provide leverage in getting you to the world bnb of dreams. Unfortunately, since you were kidnapped, your original dream got corrupted, and the chances of getting a nightmare will be greatly increased due to the change in the universal environment of law and order. But, if luck is on your side, you will be fine. I must warn you, during the travel, due to the change, you will experience some pain on the way over. its livable. You'll be fine."

~ After hearing all of that good and bad news, Ron got slightly more excited.

"Great, when can we started the process?" Ron asked

"As soon as you want, we can start the process as soon as I get a good reading on the Soul Network. We need a good spot to pierce through. We need a Space wave that will take you to the World of dreams."

"Hm, sounds like fun." Ron

- Mr. Smiles chuckled

"Yeah, it's fun. But you'll get use to it."