An unknown enemy

[January 16th, 4 PM (present)]

"we're being followed" Angel said as he sat down

"I know just leave them for now there's nothing we could do in a plane, especially one with over two hundred" Jean said as he stared out the window of the plane

"if we put on our uniforms we could take out everyone on this plane" Mych said as look at a mirror on the ceiling

"there's no reason for us to kill over 200 innocent civilians just to catch two stalkers and stop looking at them, your just making it seem like we know their there" Jean said as he called over a flight attendant

"we've went on plenty of missions taking out thousands of innocent civilians" Mych said right before the flight attendant came

"is there something wrong?" the flight attendant asked

"no but can you get us two cans of beer" Jean said 

"so what's wrong with it this" Mych continued after the flight attendant left

"we did it because it was for our job" Jean said

"so your saying it's okay to kill thousands of innocent people when we're on a mission" Mych said right before the flight attendant came back

"is there anything else you need" the flight attendant asked

"no and thank you" "...never kill without a reason, wasn't that one of the most important rules in the Zerum family" Jean said after the flight attendant left

"how the hell do you know about that" Mych said as he held a pencil up to his neck

"and never fight or kill anyone in your assigned unit or team since they are considered your brother and sisters, I'm pretty sure that's what it said" Jean said as he put his head back

"that didn't answer my question" Mych said as he lightly pressed the pencil on Jean's neck

"there's no point in worrying about it now but we'll definitely have to later, just wait we're about to land in a couple minutes" Jean said as he took the pencil away

[January 5th, 8 PM (past)]

Jean was just standing on small platform on a mountainside that had two sides to climb down both were easy as long as you were able to watch your step when going down and behind the platform was a long passage leading into the Seiken base

"why the hell would you just leave, you could've just killed him like the you did the others" Ezreal said floating in front of him

"Ryoa's completely set on claiming the bounty before anyone else and this is his first one after 20 years but he has to kill me before I let him die" Jean explained

"why are you so hell bent on promoting them?" Ezreal said

"can't you look through my memories go ahead and check there you'll find the answer" Jean said before he jumped off the platform

when he jumped off three of the men who gave Ryoa the envelope came out of the passage to check where he went

"he actually jumped" man1 said in surprise

"oh well, he's 100% going to die from the fall" man2 said

as Jean was falling he saw a small river and tried landing in it but he wasn't able to make it and crash into a tree and then landed in front of a bear

"I probably should've just used the stairs" Jean said before he noticed the bear

"HEY! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING OVER THERE!" a hunter said as he aimed the rifle at the bear standing behind him

"... of course, I have to run into you again" Jean said as he rolled away from the bears attack

[January 16, 8 PM (present)]

"they aren't from the Seiken family" Jean said as  he cleaned blood off of his hands

"how do you know" Mych asked before he heard someone fall

"I- I saw you do it I'll report this to the police" the man said as he tried crawling away

"oh it's just a hobo" Mych said as he picked up a sharp object

"remember your principles and don't always resort to killing" Jean said as he pulled him back

"stay away!... please don't kill me" the hobo said as he curled into a ball

"shh, shh, it's okay... we'll let you live and we won't hurt, so just take this and don't tell the cops" Jean said as he gave the hobo some money

"...huh, wha- what" the hobo said in a terrified tone as he hesitantly took the money

"is that a deal" Jean said as he held up his pinky finger

"uh huh, than let me also tell you something...tonight's gonna be one of the nights that you need to stay home" the hobo said as he gave Jean his pinky finger

"....right but don't forget this, if you break this promise... I swear to god I will hunt you down, now just walk away" Jean said as he walked back to the bodies

"you just made him more scared than he already is and how much money did you give him anyway?" Mych asked as he watched the hobo run away

"I don't know but never mind that throw the bodies down here" Jean said as he lifted a sewer cover

"alright let's go back to the hotel now" Mych said as he threw the bodies into the sewer

Azure was about fall asleep while taking a bath but she heard loud footsteps right outside the bathroom, the footsteps belonged to two men waiting on the otherside of the door with suppressed pistols

the man on the left side used his finger to countdown from three and once he reached zero he kicked the door open and saw no one in there but the water was still running but he saw a shadow behind the door and shot close to the bottom of the door and waited a couple seconds until he seen the blood from who he ever thought was in there flow from behind the door then the man moved the door but was stabbed in the neck as soon as he saw Azure, the other man started shooting the door until he ran out of bullets and the door ended up as blood started to flow from the bathroom

"son of a bitch, I knew we should've taken more people" the man said as he opened the door and saw his friend standing with a knife in his neck and multiple bullet holes in his body

Azure let go of the body and after it dropped to the floor she shot the man in the head one time and shot him in the chest four times after his body fell

"fucking hell... who the hell are they anyway" Azure said after she read the name on their uniform

Azure got four trash bags from a cabinet in the kitchen and stuff one trash inside of the other and put a body inside of it then she did the same with the other body and dumped them in the garbage disposal

"oh can used this for a minute" Azure asked the housekeeper

"I can clean it for you" the Housekeeper said

"no, I'm gonna give it back just wait here" Azure said as she took the mop and something called Cloriol

after she mopped the floor she drained the bloody water into the drain inside the bathroom and filled it up with water and Cloriol then she gave it back to the housekeeper

"did he really have to shoot the door" Azure said as she was looking at the holes before she heard the door unlock

"what a pain in the ass, he is" Jean said as he closed the door

"did something happen?" Azure asked as she pushed the door

"it's almost like he enjoys killing people without reason" Jean said before he felt his phone vibrate

"he's the only one who inherited the bloodlust and the only one whose gonna regret it the most out of the 3 of them" Azure said as she closed the curtains

"not even Koal loves killing as much as he do" Jean said as he took off his coat

"they're probably only going after us two not the team" Azure said as she opened a bottle of wine

"yeah I wouldn't surprised seeing how people we made mad over the past 50 years" Jean said

a couple hours had past and Jean got a message on his phone from someone called Des saying "Dear Jean and Azure hopefully your getting this in time but I've kicked Ray out of my family due to his bloodlust temper, he ended up killing for more of my children fortunately for him I've only kicked him out with all of his limbs attached and..." after he read the rest of it he went to sleep

Ezreal was inside Jean's mind watching his memories until she heard "4.10.25"

"what the hell is that" Ezreal said as she followed the voice

the voice was coming from a large black cube that had white outlining on it that was against the walls in Jean's mind

"how the hell do am I supposed to turn it off" Ezreal said as she walked around the cube

Ezreal created a large and thick platform above the cube and added a large spike to the bottom of it but as she made it fall it broke in half and suddenly someone was choking her

"I only came to check on the cube but your trying to destroy it" Regal said before his hand was cut off

"impressive I didn't even notice you" Regal said as Jean tried cutting his head off