Final War IX

"I have to admit that was pretty close, the only thing missing is speed" Regal said just before he dodged Lord Poseidon's trident.

As Regal dodged his trident, he immediately turned towards Lord Poseidon and tried to attack him but as his fist pushed through Lord Poseidon's body. Once Regal's fist touched Lord Poseidon's skin, he noticed it felt softer than it should've been. And as his fist ripped through Lord Poseidon's flesh, his body formed into water and began to wrap around Regal's wrist like a chain.

Once the water fully wrapped around Regal's wrist, it tried to pull him into the ocean but it couldn't. As Regal was about to break out of the chain, Lord Poseidon attempted to stab him.

"We are this world's strongest and mightiest. You've done more than we should've no let you, now you all will die by our hands" Lord Poseidon said as he tried pushing his trident further.

"Why are you attacking me if you're this weak? I can tell you have no room for improvement. Weaklings like you have no place in this battle" Regal said as he turned his head to Lord Poseidon.

Lord Poseidon was shocked as his trident was still unable to even nick a piece of his skin off before his head suddenly exploded and quickly stop resisting.

"It didn't pierce because it's weak like you" Regal said as his bloodied hand hovered above Lord Poseidon's neck.

Lord Poseidon's body began to fall back as Regal lowered his hand and faced Jean (White) and Jean (Black) but once he turned to them, lightning struck him and black clouds started swarming the sky above them.

"You idiot! I'll seal you in the deepest and darkest depths of Hades!" Lord Zeus said as he appeared after the lightning faded.

Lord Zeus created a lightning bolt that was big enough to reach the dark clouds from his hand and tried to strike Regal with it.

"Another one, I guess you can only expect so much from gods" Regal said as the tip of the lightning bolt sat on top of his shoulder.

"What the hell?!" Lord Zeus said as he tried to pull back.

"There are no weaklings allowed in this battle" Regal said as he grabbed Lord Zeus's hand.

Once Lord Zeus felt the contact between his and Regal's skin, he was looking up at Regal as if he was laying down.

Lord Zeus was suddenly slammed right onto the ocean with water pushing up into the air completely surrounding them like walls.

"You're still alive? Great, I guess you're not that weak" Regal said just as he felt something pushing up against his neck.

"Long time no see…. Mr. Nyles?" Ivan said as his sickles wrapped around Regal's throat.

Ivan held himself up by pressing his feet against Regal's back as he pulled his sickles.

"Unlike those two you are very fast. I'll admit that I didn't even notice you, I got too distracted by this one but unfortunately your blades weren't sharp enough" Regal said as he grabbed the blades that were wrapped around his neck.

When Regal grabbed Ivan's blades, he tried to pull him forward but Wyatt rushed in front of him and attempted to force Regal's hands back, hoping Ivan's blade will cut through his neck with added force.

"Come on, you have to be much stronger than that to go for the final blow" Regal said as he quickly overpowered Wyatt.

When Wyatt noticed he was being overwhelmed, he pulled his hands back and tried to harden his fist to attack him but Regal clasped their hands together and began to bend his hands backwards as he gripped Wyatt's hand so hard that the bones leading from his knuckles to his elbow began to break down.

Ivan pulled his blades away and dropped down to Regal's calves. He began to pour an abundant amount of mana into his blades as water began to flow to them. Once the edge of the blades was completely coated in water, Ivan tried to slice through Regal's ankles but before he could get even an inch closer to him, Regal's foot smashed into his chest which pushed him meters away.

"That boy is dangerous indeed. I can't let him get a single scratch on me. What took you two so long, I was beginning to think you lost hope in killing me again" Regal said as Jean (Black) appeared besides him with his sword completely covered in Ice.

As Jean (Black) tried to cut Regal's head off, Wyatt's arms were able to completely regenerate so he gripped Regal's arms and tried to hold him there. Although Regal realized Wyatt's grip was too strong for him to escape, he instantly pushed his foot against Wyatt's chest and ripped his arms off. Then he dodged Jean (Black) attack, elbowed him in his head.

Regal tried to back away from them, Jean (White) appeared in his way with his overweight two handed sword covered in his mana. Jean (White) swung his sword towards Regal's body but he was able block Jean (White)'s attack and pivoted to the side of him and tried to land a punch on his ribs, however Jean (White) immediately realized he wasn't able to go dodge it and equipped his black armor. Although Regal wasn't able to punch through it, Jean (White) still felt the impact of it a little less as it only crushed a couple of his ribs.

"I didn't know it was so durable. Good job" Regal said as he threw another punch.

Just when Jean (White) finally regenerated his ribs, three of his organs ruptured from the force of Regal's punch but before Jean (White) began regenerating his organ he tried to cut through Regal's neck. Although his blade was barely able to pierce his neck, Jean (White) had enough strength to push him off his balance.

But Regal was able to quickly regain his balance and recovered enough to throw another attack. But just as he pulled his arm back, they were teleported to a place covered in snow, completely overlooking much smaller mountains.

"A momentary one on one. You seem stronger than the rest" Regal said as he held his stance.

"You're mistaken. My dear partner and I are completely equal in strength but fine. One minute" Jean (White) said as he shoved his sword into the ground while releasing more of his m.e .

Just as Jean (White) stuck his sword into the ground, he rushed Regal. Although Regal waited for him to get close enough so he could attack but Jean (White) dodged it and grabbed him. Jean (White) lifted him up and built up as much strength as he can.

Jean (White), hoping that this would damage him at least a little bit, he slammed him as hard as he could on to the ground which completely broke a part of the pier off as Regal was sent tunneling down into the ground. Though he was able to stop himself as he pushed his hands against the wall and stopped himself, then he kicked his feet into the wall and similar to a sling shot he launched himself out of the ground.

Jean (White) knew it didn't kill him but he didn't expect him to escape so fast as he was still hovering over the hole he created with Regal. So he glanced down the hole for only a second but as he did, he saw Regal's palm at the entrance of the hole. Although the moment Jean (White) saw his palm, his vision was covered while fingers dig into his scalp.

"I forgot to ask, one minute for what? There's no way for someone to come here in such a short amount of time it was it because you though you could beat me?. You see we are currently across the world on largest mountain so I could enjoy the first 1v1 with my dear son" Regal said as he threw Jean (White) into the ground.

The moment Regal threw Jean (White), tentacles sprouted from his armor and shot towards his two handed sword as he caught himself on both of his hands once he landed and jumped off them. Once he landed on his feet, the two handed sword flew into his hand. Jean (White) held his blade sword up towards Regal as he lowered his m.e.

"My dear partner also developed the love for the taste of blood and hates when she can't make her enemy bleed" Jean (White) said as he pulled his sword back.

"Such a weird taste you have, is this the first women you loved-?" Regal said just before he swiftly sidestepped.

As Regal sidestepped, a chunk of his ear was disappeared as if it was cut like a pie and started gushing out blood.

"Yes. She's the one and only" Jean (White) said as he tightened his grip on his sword.

"What are you two talking about?" Azure said as she appeared pushing back away from Regal.

"…. Nothing" Jean (White) said before he saw the 9 generals appear above him.

"Wow! You both are stronger than I thought. So much unlocked in such a small amount of time, it's more than what I expected. I'm glad about that, hopefully he's developed the same-" Regal's sentence abruptly paused as the generals 'attacks were just above his head.

Just as their attack was just inches away from his head, he disappeared, which caused them to miss their attack and hit the ground causing a large cloud of snow to erupt as the mountain began to break apart.

"FUCK! WHERE THE HELL DID HE GO NOW!" Jean (Black) said in anger as he pulled his sword from the ground.

"He's probably back in New York" Jean (White) said as he lowered his sword.

"Damn it. Lin can you get us back over there again?" Wyatt said as he placed his hand on the mountain.

"She didn't come with us, she stayed over there to protect Fredrick" Ariel said as the mountain pulled itself together.

"So you mean to say she's there with him, alone?…" Wyatt said as new cracks started forming in the mountains.

[New York's eastern pier]

"I should get rid of all of these planetary gods. They aren't really needed anymore" Regal said as he stared at Lord Odin.

"You beat them all? That seemed like it was too fast even for you" Lin said as she walked up from behind him.

Almost as if he was shocked, Regal quickly turned around while trying to attack her as well but his hand couldn't reach her as if .

"You look familiar…. Are you one of Jean's friends as well" Regal asked as he pushed his hand through.

Once Regal's hand pushed through, Lin immediately moved to his side but he was able to swiftly fix his stance and through an attack, though his attack was stopped again as Lin tried to hit him with a jab, Regal immediately attack her with a overhead punch which landed and knocked Lin into the ocean.

"I see little to know improvement there. Was she holding back?" Regal said as before an arrow made of ice began rushing towards him from behind.

As the arrow travel above ocean, a narrow path on top of the water was being created. Although Regal had already notice the arrow and grabbed it. Though the moment it touched his hands, more ice surged out of the arrow and completely froze Regal. Spontaneously rising from the path was the daughter of the first Ice progenitor.

*Crack* Unfortunately the ice doesn't seem to be holding up well enough against Regal as cracks began appearing all around it.

"I've no idea what you came from or what you're planning to do but I will not let you take my revenge away from me" She said as she held up a bow towards Regal's head and held her bow up to his head.

The moment she started pulling strings back, the ice holding Regal shatter and her bow suddenly snaps as she felt someone's hand wrapped around her throat.

"I could probably force some strength into you, what is your name" Regal said as he held her up by her throat.

Regal held her so tight it felt like his fingers could rip through her flesh at any moment as she tried turning into her dragon form, she could only muster the change in her arms as she tried clawing away at his arm.

"Before this last fight ends I'd like to see them at their strongest and for a crew that's so limitless, they've been very limited. You'll probably be of no use but I can use you. Just as I did before, I'll use a pawn to draw him out" Regal said as he pushed his other hand into her chest.

As Regal's hand penetrated her chests her body went limp and he noticed a spear of light hurdling towards him but he ignored it and focused on what was around his hand. Which seemed to be a empty and cold place complete devoid of warmth. And as he moved his land towards her stomach, the space grew colder. While Regal was delving through her body, the ball formed into Lord Eqya who was now at Regal side with his fist shining brightly.

"There it is" Regal said as he crushed an icy sphere.

Just before Regal crushed the sphere, Lord Eqya tried to stop him but he was too late as a shockwave barely filled with her m.e was sent out of her body which pushed Lord Eqya back a bit. After the first shockwave, her mana began swelling in her body and just as it seemed to reach its max. Regal pulled his hand as if he was guiding the mana out of body while also injecting some from the air.

"The limitless is only limited due to their world's creation" Regal said as he placed his hand on top of the hole he made in her chest.

"What is this! What did you do?! Get your fucking hands off of her" Lord Eqya said in a alarmed tone as ice appeared to be slowly freezing his hands.

"A mana core is the humans body for their magic. Such a thing is what you all learned or discovered but in actuality it is only a prison created by the atmosphere to keep this world from overloading with mana and eventually explode or to keep from creating a person stronger than the world itself. Such rules apply to the weak but not the strong. Because the strong can develop pure mana that transcends the atmospheric laws of mana. Such a strength only for the strong. Not planetary gods such as yourself. Unless I'd like for it to be that. To answer your question, in order for me to see my son's greatest strength I'll be using this girl as a pillar to say the least. Be careful" Regal explained just before another shockwave was sent out.

Although unlike the first shockwave, the second one was completely filed with her own m.e as well as Regal's, making it incredibly more stronger than the first. And because it was mainly her m.e, the shockwave had the ability to completely freeze whatever it touched. The shockwave had enough pressure to move approximately 400 kilometers while freezing nearly everything within it's reach including the thermosphere.

"Perfect. Now we just wait" Regal said as he dropped her.