
Soon a week passed.

"Humans are above all creatures, Gu are the essence of heaven and earth. In this world there are thousands of species, countless number of Gu. They live everywhere around us – In the soil, in the bushes, even on the bodies of wild beasts."

"As humans continue to propagate and grow, the scholars of the past gradually uncovered the mysteries of the Gu. Those who have opened the aperture, using their own primeval essence to feed, refine and manipulate these Gu – people who have achieved these various purposes are what we call Gu Masters."

"And all of you have successfully opened your aperture in the Awakening Ceremony 7 days ago. With the coagulation of the primeval sea, right now you are all Rank one Gu Masters."

In the village academy, the academy elder talked with confidence and composure. In front of him were 57 students, seated and listening attentively.

The mystery and strength of a Gu Master had been deeply rooted in the hearts of the youths a long time ago. Thus everything that the elder taught and said, the students were very interested in.

Li Shang needless to say already know about this and much more then the elders in this clan. Since he was a Reverend Insanity fanfic in his past life, that book changed the way he viewed live and Li Shang all ways fantasized to be born in the Gu world. This was a dream come true!

The teenagers' ears all pricked up, their eyes shining brightly as they listened.

"For D grade talent, the primeval sea takes up about 2-3 layers of the aperture, the highest promotion reachable is Rank one to Rank two. For C grade talent, the primeval sea is 4-5 layers of the aperture. Usually the progress stops at Rank two, but with luck a small percentage of people can advance to Rank 3 initial stage. B grade talents have a primeval sea that takes up 6-7 layers of the aperture, they are able to cultivate to Rank 3, even as far as Rank 4. As for A grade talent, the primeval sea is plenty; it takes up 8-9 layers of the aperture. This kind of talent in a person is naturally the most gifted and the most suitable for a Gu Master's cultivation, being able to reach Rank 5."

"As for Gu Masters who are Rank 6 and above, they are all legends. I am not clear about the specifics either. In the Li clan, there has been one the appearance of a Rank 6 Gu Master, but Rank 4 and Rank 5 Gu Masters we have had before."

The teenagers ears all pricked up, their eyes shining brightly as they listened.

Many of them couldn't help but look at Li Shang. He was an A grade talent after all. Their eyes were filled with feelings of envy and jealousy.

Shortly after class ended, Li Shang went straight to his own pavilion. He was suppose to life in the clan heads pavilion, but Li Shang couldn't do that. He needed a place where his all alone, so know no one knows what his doing. His home was bigger than the pervious one, red and golden designs and a two dragons statue on the sides. His grandfather order two decent looking mortals to be servants for Li Shang. Li Shang know Li Pao was a shrewd person. The only reason Li Shang was adopted was because Li Pao faction was declining. When Li Pao saw this baby, he thought " I should adopt this kid, if he has good talent I'll make him feel indebt to me and control him. If he has bad talent, then I'll kill him secretly."

Li Shang ate and went straight to his room, so he can start cultivating. He decided to focus on controlling his primeval essence. It would be very beneficial for him in a long term, It will take time for him cultivating ,but he will get Liquor worm Gu.

LI Shang sat in a meditation position checked his aperture. His Primeval essence was seawater which is smooth like a mirror, showing a dense Jade green color, yet also exhibiting a copper luster. He poured his will around his primeval Essence. Li Shang tried to make a control it, but he failed miserably. It was his first time and he was confused. Li Shang decided to continue practicing until he felt mental pain. Li Shang ceased his cultivation and took a break.

" This is difficult" Li Shang thought, of course no one thought him how to control his primeval essence. This want he read from Reverend Insanity. Li Shang told himself " I have to stop overestimating myself or it might get me killed.

Li Shang decided to go to the clan heads home, because the clan head was going to teach him along with Li Luong. Once he arrived a servant escorted him to the clan heads teaching room.

Inside the room was the clan head and Li Luong, Li Shang realized they arrived earlier.

Li Shang bowed slightly "forgive me master for arriving late"

The clan head naturally didn't like Li Shang, he was an outsider. He wasn't born from one of the Li clan members so what if his loyal. That was thought process before the awakening, But Li Shang was awakened as an A talent. Li Pan cursed the heavens in his head why this kid out of all kids but he know he had to make Li Shang have a positive feeling about The clan or Li Shang might left and go to the neighboring clan. At This moment the Li clan were in dire situation against the Wei clan and Ri clan.

The clan head nodded" don't do ever by late again"

Li Shang went closer and stood near Li Luong

"Ok as you kids know about Gu and cultivation. I will teach various of things and guide you through cultivation. As the says goes Man is the spirit of all livings beings, among all living beings, humans have the highest intelligence and comprehension ability, so have you refined your first Gu." li Pan said

Li Luong Proudly said "yes". Li Luong goes on to ask "Li Shang have you refined your First Gu"

Li Shang was prepared for this, but he was annoyed he doesn't want to waste his energy on pointless stuff

Li Shang ignored Li Luong and faced his master while saying 'yes master I have refined my first Gu".

Li Pan nodded while saying good, I have 4 Gu worm's on my right now. Each of you will pick one and refine it. Once your both done we will continue, before Li Pan can finish talking.

Li Shang asked " Master how do we control primeval essence. Li Pan was not mad at this he was actually happy to see Li Shang ask questions . That means he still have somewhat feeling for the clan.

Li Pan " don't ever interrupt me again, I will teach that next time, but for now pick your Gu worms. Li Pan proceeded to take out 4 rank 1 Gu Worm, The first one was a thumb sized figure it was a fly with gray skin. Li Pan said this Windwhirl Gu, a movement Gu worm. The second one was a dragonfly. This poison dart Gu, a offensive Gu worm. The third one was a sharp, like a miniature spear. It was gris Spear Gu, a offensive Gu worm. The last one was a mini silk. It was A blue silk Gu, a defensive Gu worm.

Li Shang thought Windwhirl Gu Worm was the best option for him. "Master I'll pick the Windwhirl Gu worm". Li Pan nodded while giving Li Shang the Gu. Li Luong decided to take the poison dart Gu.

"Master I will take my leave now, have a good rest of your day."

"Me too bye master"

Li Luong went up To Li Shang and said Li Shang for now on you'll be my rival.

Li Shang chuckled while saying" we see if your worthy" and walked away.

Li Luong screamed "you will one day end up licking my shoes".