Write a diary entry about a bowl of vegetable soup that loves to sing.
Dear Diary,
today I came across a wonderful bowl of vegetable soup. It sang through Diary, and yes I'm not hallucinating this time ( I think ). It had a voice more beautiful than Rapunzel, Briar Rose, and Cinderella combined! Oh, what I'd give to hear it again. Unless, since I ate the soup do I have the voice of an angel? Nope, I have the same old croak according to the butcher across the street ( at least that's what I think he is ). Diary, if you heard screams in the middle of the night would you think that butcher doesn't actually butcher animals? I don't think there is anything to be concerned about. Unless, that wasn't actually vegetable soup and Rapunzel, Briar Rose, and Cinderella in it. Diary I'm a little scared since I am the Little Mermaid.
Little Mermaid
( P.S this might be my last entry I hope I'm not turned into soup)