"Danish smells good now." Ayraa said while kissing Danish's face.

Danish closed his eyes in amusement.

"Come on, Ayraa, don't wake me up again. What if I want you again later?" asked Danish with a look full of love.

"It's okay, who's afraid?" challenge Ayraa with a smile.

"Ayraa, you can see my back is getting broken later." said Danish with a helpless look.

Ayraa chuckled.

"I'll take a shower first." Ayraa said while putting back Danish's shorts and panties.

"Don't be too long, Ayraa." said Danish feeling alone if there was no Ayraa.

"Yes, Danish should just take a break first." Ayraa said while fixing Danish's blanket then went to the bathroom.

While waiting for Ayraa who was taking a shower, Danish took Ayraa's cellphone which accidentally rang without feeling Danish receiving the call. Not yet Danish said that he wasn't Ayraa there someone had spoken without pausing to stop.