Hero of the day

This scene is bloody, hard to look at for more than a couple of seconds and most definitely breaking the average here.

It forced the big and tough chief Ambers to hurl her lunch all across the room while Delion tries his very best to calm Jimmy the bobcat down.

Hearing Ambers hurl which in other perspectives renders this lady completely useless, Delion demands. "Get out of here, I'll handle the corpse."

And it might be the best idea in this case because Ambers is quite traumatized and would just bring more work for the detective.

Plus Delion is used to handling corpses or scenes like this, used to worse actually, so he repeats once more because Ambers stands hesitant. "Get out."

Now first things first, Jimmy has to calm down. Delion can't do anything if this strong cat just keeps attacking the corpse.

Getting a rope off his shoulder which he has carried up until this point, the detective pins Jimmy down and ties its rear legs together. Thankfully the bobcat didn't fight back, its claws can for sure cause sudden sharp pain.

Afterwards tying its front legs as well, with a couple of scratches in the process but nothing serious, Delion finally got the cat under control.

One would ask why didn't he just tie one leg to a strong foundation, well the answer is simple. This feline has teeth strong enough to break bones, eating through the rope wouldn't be so hard.

And Delion needs time to handle this, there are three big nails on Jingo's corpse and the one in the skull might take the most time to pull off. He can't afford rushing this procedure, the smell is traumatizing enough.

But a hunch of guilt still remains on the good man, it isn't quite welcoming to the soul when one ties an animal down, although he is a hunter. "I'm sorry boy, but you have to behave for an hour."

Second thing he has to do is find a cloth that can cover up the corpse. The corpses this town mostly had to deal with, are the ones that die on their sleep.

This one is bloody, has 3 disgusting holes in it and the feline has scratched up the corpse quite a bit too.

Delion is used to worst, this is a breeze for him but this sight can fuck up most of the masses here, it's traumatizing.

The detective found Amber's fur bed sheet, but this one looks tad personal so after taking a grip of it, he lets it go after and spots the fur rug near Jingo's corpse that's already fairly bloody.


Walking out of Amber's house, almost head butting the lady because apparently she was just about to walk in, Delion lightly pushes her aside and recites. "The corpse is ready and I cleaned up the place a little bit too. Does Jingo have any family who would want to handle the funeral?"

Taking a good few seconds to think about it, after wiping off one single tear, the lady utters. "No, he isn't from Blenar and migrated here years ago."

Not quite sure how traditions work here since he didn't drop by often, the detective pitches an idea that's also a question. "Oh then the village owns this man a proper grave, kinda."

Not willing to talk about tradition right now, Ambers cites while stretching short words. "I'll ask a few men to dig another grave."

"Okay, do you have a torch? I want to check the crime scene again." Observing, looking for small details can help in this matter.

Unwilling to handle these murders anymore, with little motivation, Ambers speaks out. "They are near the fireplace, use as many as you want."

It might be useless to look for clues here considering that Selia, or whoever had a motive to kill this man, wasn't slick about it.

Through past murders, it almost looked like Selia molested her victims before suffocating them, but the scene here is almost like slaughter.

Last but not least, Jimmy is acting weird, hissing at the corpse. He's either scared... or the magician back in Iron city was right in some unusual paranormal aspect.


Walking in the room, seeking the torches and setting one alight with the aid of the burning fire, Delion walks back at the spot where the 3 holes are and spends a few seconds carefully analysing the view.


"Quiet Jimmy, I have to focus." Delion requests, not lending the feline a view as he gazed upon the holes, looking for any sign of struggle.


"Jimmy..." Delion's tone rose as that one name stretched for a couple of seconds.

Apart from the feline's hissing, Delion started hearing something else...

Although hard to comprehend, it echoes like something roughly sliding.

Getting a theory of what's happening here considering all of the unusual sights he faced lately, Delion swiftly turns around and notices that the rug containing Jingo's corpse, is slowly sliding across the wooden plank flooring and heading directly for the door.

Suddenly, Jimmy rushed forward, apparently he has broken through the ropes.

The feline leaps above the corpse and a loud crash echoes once his back paws meet the ground.

Analysing the landing, the detective figures that Jimmy here has hit something solid.


Continuing this battle with what the naked human eye can't capture, the bobcat starts swiping his front paws left and right.

Delion can even hear it hit and scratch something solid, although there is nothing there.

Seconds after, they both can hear countless human sounding shouts, strong but at the same time as if it has no language. "AAAAAAAAAA!!!"

Whatever Jimmy is doing, he sure is winning.

The feline finally reduces the battling attempts and takes steps back, calmer although still giving a few hisses.

Those strange screams echoed a couple more times, Delion can filter out pain in their shouts considering experience. But before the strange screams shunned completely, one spoke in a language the detective can understand. "Jingo was evil!"

Without hesitation but yet still fearful towards the feline, Delion pets his furry back and utters. "Sorry for tying you up boy, you saved the day here."