
A sunny afternoon, the weather was perfect, while birds were heard chirping away happily on rooftops. Today was the most important event of the year in the Blackcloud City.

An event that took place only once a year was happening at this very moment. It was an event that involved the entire town itself, no citizen was excluded. A feast and tournament gathering hosted by the Four Great families of the city was being held at the very moment.

This year's gathering was especially important. It was also the day for disciples to be recruited into the Divine Dao Mountain, a mighty sect of the secular world. A dream place for many cultivators to be able to train in, supporting them greatly in their journey of cultivation.

At this moment, the first match of such an important gathering had just ended. Those who were watching began to discuss what had just happened, while the next two fighters leaped onto the stage to begin their match.

This time, it was a battle between two commoner children of the Third stage of the Awakening Realm. The battle was long, and only after tremendous efforts, did one of them barely win.

The match after that, was between two members of the four families. One was from the Mu family, and the other was of the Su family. The match wasn't long, since true powerhouses would finish off their opponents quickly.

The member of the Su family had won after tens of moves, as both of them leaped off the stage. Now, it was time for Mo Jidong's turn to go up the stage. His opponent was a member of the Yan family, and one Yan Lenglei's distant cousins.

His opponent was eighteen years old this year, having a cultivation base at the Six stage of the Awakening Realm. Mo Jidong leaped onto the stage, as the floor beneath his feet cracked in an instant.

Even though he tried his best to land softly, the ground was too weak to hold his weight. It was a testament of how terrifyingly powerful his physique was. When he got on the stage, many people watching had given him looks of pity.

After all, it had only been a few months since he had awakened his Divine Rune, his cultivation time was much shorter than his opponent's, who had spent two years already.

"Young master Mo, as the young master of the Mu family, and my family's young master's best friend, I don't want to injure you, please surrender." the young man asked Mo Jidong.

"No need. Just give it your best shot." Mo Jidong replied. His expression was stern as always, and he also seemed to be angry at the same time. His opponent didn't say anything more, as he released his cultivation base to its highest.

The match began immediately. The young man of the Yan family took a step forward, as a layer of armor covered his entire body. The armor was amongst the lowest grade of Spiritual Tools, but was still expensive, it provided a good amount of defense, protecting its wearer.

Beneath his feet, a brown-colored Spiritual Qi caused the very ground itself to change form. It was obvious that the young man controlled the Concept of Earth. With a simple wave of his hand, the ground bended along with his will.

On the ground, large spears of earth pierced the skies, as they started flying in the air, like tens of needles made of earth floated behind him. "Please do not blame me if you are injured." the young man said.

His arms moved, as the tens of earthen spikes shot out. On the ground, large spikes of earth popped out in random directions, coming directly for Mo Jidong.

"Dong er, be careful!" his mother shouted at him, full of worry. After all, Mo Jidong's opponent was quite strong, and released two powerful attacks at once. What she was most concerned about, was that Mo Jidong simply stood there without moving.

As the spikes and spears were close, Mo Jidong unfolded his arms and moved his two palms forward.


Contrary to everyone's thoughts, Mo Jidong wasn't impaled by the spikes. His two palms came forward and held the spikes, keeping them from moving forward.

One hand blocked the spears, while the other held down the spikes. It was extremely inconceivable. After all, he had only shown a cultivation base at the Third stage of the Awakening Realm.

With just his hands alone, Mo Jidong had stopped two powerful attacks of someone three entire small realms above him! Even with inborn Divine Strength, such a feat was thought to be simply impossible.

The eyes of the two envoys lit up instantly. Only a single thought ran through their minds at once. "We must get him."

As for Lin Hao and the man who came along with him, they were both surprised. "A Body Refiner." they both knew immediately. It was impossible for someone to stop such an attack using just their hands, even someone of a higher cultivation realm would have trouble achieving the same feat.

After all, only Body Refiners cultivated the body. Qi Refiners only cultivated their Qi, making them completely vulnerable to powerful blows of pure strength. As they progressed, their bodies would grow stronger physically in order to be able to take in more Spiritual Qi.

If the body was too weak, it would just simply explode.

Mo Jidong's use of his hands only caused a horrible shock to flash within the minds of everyone watching. Someone had actually cultivated in the path of Body Reinfing, an extremely long and ardent journey, many times harder than a Qi Refiner.

The entire Blackcloud City didn't even have any Body Refining techniques, one could only wonder where he found such a technique. Only his adoptive parents had a rough idea, thinking that his birth parents must have left something behind for him.

Their eyes grew watery, as the thought of the pain that their son had to go through in order to cultivate rushed through their minds.

On the stage, Mo Jidong crushed the earth spikes with his palms as he looked at his opponent. His gaze was terrifying, disturbing his opponent and scaring him. Even though he was simply looking, his opponent felt as though a demon lord was staring down upon him.

The young man of the Yan family instantly cried out. He immediately used his most powerful attack, creating multiple huge slabs of earth using his Qi, as well as lifting up the entire stage itself to attack.

His attacks were all unleashed at once, as the crowd panicked.

"Get out of there!" Everyone in the crowd shouted for him. Mo Jidong didn't budge. The ground beneath his feet shook, making him stumble slightly. Within just seconds, the large earthen walls smashed into each other from two sides, while the ground came crashing down like a waterfall.


Mo Jidong was buried inside the earth within seconds. Those watching didn't interfere even though the life of someone was at stake. Sitting in his seat, Yan Lenglei had spoken, "Don't interfere.'' Those two words alone caused those who wanted to move to stay back.

His words contained a powerful tone of arrogance, and complete trust in Mo Jidong. It was as though he was saying that the latter was fine, not needing their help.

As for Mo Jidong's opponent, he suddenly started laughing out loud like a madman. Only the sound of laughter could be heard within the entire area.

While he was struck full of happiness, a loud thump was heard nearby.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The thumping sound was getting louder and louder each time it rang. Everyone immediately moved their eyes to the huge wall of earth, that was shaking and cracking apart.


The walls cracked mildly.


The cracks became larger.


The cracks covered the entire surface of the wall.



The entire wall of earth came crashing down. An individual was seen standing safely within the landfill around him, as he stared at his opponent. Taking a step forward, his opponent moved back.

Another step forward, his opponent fell on his bottom. With every step, his opponent would retreat as far away as he could while trembling. Mo Jidong leaped dozens of meters forward and punched out.


His opponent was sent flying dozens of meters in the air. The Spiritual Tool he wore on his entire body cracked into a million pieces like a mirror with a single punch, while a fist-shaped print was left on his opponent's chest.

Silence filled the area. Mo Jidong had walked out unscathed against his opponent's mightiest attack and scared him off. Without showing mercy, he landed a single punch, sending his opponent flying far into the distance and shattered his armor.

All of this, in a short time frame, with a single punch. Those of the Earl Realm and above, noticed a miniscule amount of black smoke-like energy being released from his fist the moment he made contact with his opponent.

The black energy was incredibly powerful, enough to break through a Spiritual Tool's defences and destroy it with a single punch. Not only that, Mo Jidong had defeated his opponent using a single punch, an opponent who was one tier higher, or three small realms above his own realm.

This meant that his strength had far surpassed a regular Body Refiner, and considered exceptional even amongst them. The two envoys instantly shot up and appeared in front of Mo Jidong.

A token was taken out of their pocket, as they explained to him. "Young Master Mo, please take this token. With it, you will immediately become a Core disciple within the Divine Dao Mountain!" the envoy said.

Hearing this, many people including Jing Mengyi were shocked. What was a Core disciple? They were disciples that were amongst the greatest of talents within the entire sect, there were very few of them amongst the thousands of geniuses within a sect.

Core Disciples enjoyed treatment on par with an elder of a sect, and considered as a future pillar of the sect. They would retrieve the greatest of resources, allowing their journey to be even smoother than those with a lower status.

The greater one's talents, the more resources one got, increasing the gap between them and their peers even further. This was why it was extremely important to join a sect, without joining one, the limited resources of a lone cultivator wouldn't be enough to sustain them.

Of course, the envoys didn't know that Mo Jidong's cultivation technique was special, which meant the resources wouldn't help him in any way. Only Spiritual Tools were of any use to him.

Below the Core disciple position, there were Inner disciples and below them were Outer disciples. There was a large disparity in treatment between each of them, making it extremely hard to breach the gap.

Holding the token, Mo Jidong didn't reply but kept it inside his pocket as if he was handed a toy. He didn't even bat an eyelid or nod when receiving the token, leaving the envoys speechless.

He simply leaped off the stage and stood with his arms crossed beside his family, paying attention to nothing else. As for the envoys, they took flight and returned to their seats.

Yan Tianxian got up to mend the stage using his Qi, which was extremely rich and powerful since he was in the Viscount Realm. Fixing a small piece of land was extremely easy for one at his stage.

His opponent was pitiful. Having been blasted out by Mo Jidong, nobody paid any attention to him, not even those from his branch of the Yan family. After all, he was the one who used ruthless attacks first, even if he was crippled or killed, nobody would push to blame on Mo Jidong, he only had himself to blame.

Once the stage was fixed, the next matches began.