
On a fairly large platform, with hundreds of people watching during this moment, a handsome youth in white with an ice-cold expression was standing with his arms behind his back.

His opponent was standing across from him, holding a short dagger in his hand. The handsome youth in white called Yan Lenglei, was Blackcloud City's number one genius. Now, he had come to prove his strength during an important event that involved the entire city.

"Young Master Yan, are you ready?" his opponent asked. A young man of the Su family who had awakened his Divine Rune half a year earlier than himself.

Seeing that Yan Lenglei didn't reply or move an inch, the young man frowned. His dagger was gripped tightly, as his entire body turned into a phantom and charged at Yan Lenglei with incredible speed.

Obviously, this young man was an assassin type, who practiced and comprehended the Concept of Shadows. His movements were quick and precise, while he could hide his presence easily.

Only those with exceptional detection abilities could find out his exact location while he was in his own domain.


In the blink of an eye, Yan Lenglei's opponent arrived behind the latter. A dagger suddenly appeared out of nowhere on its own from behind, coming down for his back.

Suddenly, a cold and dark icy Spiritual Qi enveloped the entire stage in an instant. Everyone could instantly feel the powerful Concept of Ice that was spread. One could easily tell that there was a huge difference between the Concept of Ice that Jing Mingyi had comprehended, compared to Yan Lenglei's.

Obviously, the former's was much more powerful. They felt as though they would be frozen into icicles if they make a careless move, something they didn't perceive when Jing Mengyi had moved earlier.

As the entire stage was enveloped in ice, a huge icicle block appeared behind Yan Lenglei. Obviously, it was his opponent who had hidden in the shadows just moments ago. Before his sneak attack had even landed, Yan Lenglei had frozen him, making him incapable of fighting.

While everyone was still astonished, the absolute chill they felt suddenly disappeared, as Yan Lenglei walked off the stage. Since he had won, there was no point in staying any longer.

He simply returned to his seat and closed his eyes, as if nothing in the world could bother him.

Just moments ago, when he had used his Concept of Ice, Jing Mengyi who also comprehended the Concept was shocked. Even amongst her clansman, her powers were on another level, however, facing Yan Lenglei's ice, she felt extremely inferior, even though it was the same source.

This clearly showed the chasm of talent between the two of them. It was like comparing an average person to an absolute genius that only appeared once every a thousand or so years. There was no need to even compare them.

"Impossible, how can Yan Lenglei comprehend such a powerful Concept? The Yan family focuses on the Concept of Earth, even if his talent was great, it shouldn't be this much different to my own." Jing Mengyi thought.

What she thought however, wasn't important. Not only was Yan Lenglei's talent great, the Concept of Ice he had comprehended was also thanks to the mist he absorbed everyday for a month in order to comprehend.

It was mysterious, and even he himself who had comprehended using it didn't know anything more about the mist. Even as he was back in his seat and not caring about anything around him, everyone was left speechless.

Without even attacking, Yan Lenglei had defeated his opponent who was a stage higher than himself. While his opponent had used all of his strength in an instant, Yan Lenglei only released his Qi to defeat his opponent.

The two envoys who watched were happy. They had suddenly found another genius figure within Blackcloud City besides from Jing Mengyi and Mo Jidong who had both gone up earlier.

The middle-aged man as well as Lin Hao had a sharp expression on their faces. As powerful men themselves, they had sharper senses than most of the people watching, they had obviously sensed something abnormal about Yan Lenglei when he made his move earlier.

"This person is a worthy opponent." Lin Hao thought. "This brat can become the young master's opponent within a couple of years." the middle-aged man thought.

As Yan Lenglei's match finished, it was now time for the next round to begin.

Mo Jidong would fight in the second match, while Yan Lenglei would fight in the last match of the round.



On the stage, a handsome young man in black who furrowed his brows tightly had sent his opponent flying just now. As soon as the match had begun, he took a step forward, causing the stage below his feet to break.

Before his opponent could do more than defend, the youth in black brought a fist forward and punched forward.


The sounds of bones breaking could be heard loudly. His opponent not only broke the bones in his arms, but was also sent flying outside the stage with a single punch. The young man in black who was obviously Mo Jidong pulled his arm back and leaped off the stage with his arms crossed.

His opponent who was sent flying was brought away to be healed from the wounds he had just received. Even though the opponent was at the Fifth Stage of the Awakening Realm, nobody was surprised that Mo Jidong had only used a single punch to send him out.

In a real battle, a Body Refiner could literally kill his opponent with a single punch if they were up to two stages above in the same realm. Even the weakest of Body Refiners could achieve such a feat, with Mo Jidong's talent, it was obvious that he could do much more than that.

Even his opponent who was knocked out didn't blame him. He was already satisfied that Mo Jidong had held back greatly, or else he would be a pool of blood right now.

Soon, it was Jing Mengyi's turn to battle again. Her match finished fairly quickly, since her opponent was in the same realm as herself, which she overwhelmed using her Concept.

When it came to Yan Lenglei's turn, his opponent was at the Fifth stage just like Mo Jidong's opponent. His opponent was a commoner who was also a fan of Yan Lenglei. Without even fighting, his opponent had chosen to give up on his own, allowing Yan Lenglei to move onward without expending any strength.

The round after that also ended quickly, only four people remained. Mo Jidong, Jing Mengyi, and Yan Lenglei had each defeated their opponents quickly, despite being in a lower realm.

Yan Lenglei hadn't done anything, besides freezing his opponent using his extremely powerful Concept of Ice. A single move was enough for him to defeat his opponent, as the two envoys who came to watch already held a Core disciples token in their hands.

Even his family who were watching were surprised. After all, Yan Lenglei had said that his cultivation was just 'okay' when they asked him. If someone who defeated an opponent using just Spiritual Qi alone was only considered 'okay', they might puke blood and question the meaning of their lives.

Now with only four people remaining, Mo Jidong would fight Jing Mengyi, while Yan Lenglei would fight against the poor young man who had appeared during the first round. Three members from the Four Great families were among the last remaining four, nobody could predict who the winner would be.

Mo Jidong leaped onto the stage and kept his arms crossed, as Jing Mengyi got onto the stage. His expression was dark as though he was constipated, but that was just how he was.

Even now, his body was under an immense amount of pain due to his cultivation technique. While it wasn't nearly as painful as when he was actually cultivating it, the pain is still unimaginable for Qi Refiners.

Jing Mengyi instantly released her cultivation base to its fullest, along with her Concept of Ice. The entire stage was enveloped in her ice, while her body shined in her Ice Spiritual Qi.

Mo Jidong took a step forward, as a freezing Qi slowly covered his leg that he stepped forward with. Ignoring this, his entire body moved forward, being covered in ice in an instant.

His body was trapped inside an icicle block that was over ten feet high. Jing Mengyi didn't stop there, a sword was taken out of her Spiritual Ring, as she brandished it and poured her Qi into the sword.

Her sword was powerful, amplifying her Qi by a few levels. Obviously, it was a Spiritual Tool that was not only a powerful sword, but also acted as an amplifier. The sword was thin, being perfect for a woman, as she waved her sword towards Mo Jidong.

While this was all happening, Lin Hao who was watching carefully sensed something, as his ears perked up and listened to the sound from within the icicle. With his wits, he had figured it out quickly.

"Mengyi, be careful!" he shouted.

As soon as his voice rang out. The ten-feet tall icicle shattered into a million shards like a mirror. Mo Jidong was unscathed, as he simple took another step forward. Even as ice covered his body, he moved forward, breaking apart the ice using his extreme physique alone.

Jing Mengyi's sword had been brandished earlier, and attacked Mo Jidong. Her attacks were now comparable to the average person at the Eighth stage of the Awakening realm thanks to the amplification of her sword.

Mo Jidong didn't flinch as he continued moving forward in a straight line. His cultivation base increased slightly, as he revealed a bit more of his true strength. Fourth stage Awakening realm.


The powerful Ice and Sword Qi from the Spiritual Tool slammed hard into his body. As it did so, Mo Jidong's clothes were torn, while his chest only revealed a slight scratch.

"Impossible! How can his physique be so powerful?!" the two envoys, the middle-aged man, Lin Hao, the Four families, as well as the citizens had seen it all. Under Jing Mengyi's attack, Mo Jidong who showed his cultivation at the Fourth stage actually withstood an attack comparable to the Eighth stage with basically no harm done.

Even as a Body Refiner, such a physique was unheard of. The envoys and the Four families were happy, as Mo Jidong would represent them in the future, while Lin Hao and the middle-aged man's faces darkened.

They had both seen it just now, and saw Mo Jidong as a huge threat. Being able to withstand an attack four stages higher was unheard of even for them. If Mo Jidong continued to grow, he would threaten them in a short timeframe.

This was especially so, since he was best friends with Yan Lenglei, they both revealed a hint of killing intent they had kept within themselves slightly, before hiding it so that nobody else would notice.

Unfortunately for them, Yan Tianfu had sensed it, and kept his eyes on them. As soon as they showed any signs of movement, he would go for the kill.

On the stage, Mo Jidong continued walking forward. His long hair wallowed along with the wind, as each step he took made him seem bigger and bigger like an endlessly growing mountain.

Seeing her most powerful attack not work, Jing Mengyi was frightened as though she had seen a ghost. She pushed her abilities to the limit, as he attacked as fast as she could with all her strength.

Within seconds, dozens of Sword Qi were released, while the Concept of Ice was maximized. Mo Jidong ignored all this and continued walking forward, shortening the distance between himself and Jing Mengyi with every step.

The closer he got to her, the more frightened she was, making her step backward unconsciously. Mo Jidong appeared like a great devil that had descended to bring her down to hell for punishment.

All she saw was his figure becoming tens of meters tall, while his eyes were extremely terrible. Slowly, her back was against the end of the stage. With just a single step backward, she would fall off and lose the match.

"Don't come closer!" she screamed.

Mo Jidong ignored if and continued walking forward. His clothes had long been torn apart by the Qi, and his body only received a few scratches from her attacks. When he was only a few meters away, Jing Mengyi fell off the stage without realizing it herself.

"Mo Jidong wins!" the judge announced. Silence filled the entire Blackcloud City for a few moments. Then, the citizens became loud, while Jing Mengyi's father, as well as Lin Hao and the middle-aged man darkened.

When Jing Mengyi had fallen off the stage, her ice had disappeared, while her sword had dropped by her side. Mo Jidong looked as though he didn't care and simply left after changing into a new pair of clothes on the spot.

He swapped his torn clothes with fresh clothes within his Spiritual Ring in an instant, not even needing to change himself. He leaped off the stage and stood with his arms crossed next to Yan Lenglei, who had his eyes closed the entire time.