
A bright and sunny day in which a large event that only happened twice a decade was being held just a month after the previous big event. With the Martial Tournament beginning, the two-hundred and sixty-four participants drew lots to determine their order and opponents. Those that had poor luck and faced stronger opponents could only sigh. Luck was also a part of strength after all.

From the crowd, Yan Lenglei and Mo Jidong could see the number that Qian Fuyou had drawn. The former was number two hundred, which meant that he would be fighting towards the end of the first day. Soon, the first four matches took place at the same time on the stage with everyone watching.

The first four battles didn't take very long. Each battle was between those in the Noble Realm, with low Nobles fighting against high Nobles, which meant they obviously didn't stand a chance. With such a vast difference in cultivation, the battles ended quickly, which meant that the next four battles would begin.

Soon, the first day was starting to end, with the early dawn of the sun, turning golden and setting along the horizon for the moon to rise. The battles were extremely dull in the eyes of Yan Lenglei's group. Battles between Nobles didn't display great power that was worth watching in their eyes. The only reason they came to watch, was to see Qian Fuyou's determination. As the battles ended, it was finally Qian Fuyou's turn.

Taking the stage, he looked across at his opponent who was also a Second Stage Noble like himself. Standing on the stage, Qian Fuyou didn't move and kept his eyes shut completely. His opponent seeing this was slightly upset but didn't charge in like an idiot, instead channeling their Spiritual Qi of the Earth element.

Under the ground, Yan Lenglei's group could see Earth Spiritual Qi moving quickly towards Qian Fuyou, about to shoot out and erupt from the ground beneath his feet. If he didn't dodge, he would be impaled and heavily injured at the very least.

Even so, Qian Fuyou didn't move. As if waiting for the final moment, he only took a step back to avoid a dozen pikes of earth beneath his previous location, before a Talisman appeared between his two fingers. As Spiritual Qi was sent into the Talisman, Qian Fuyou threw it into the air, causing it to shred to nothing. Moments later, a large fireball that was capable of destroying heaven and earth appeared and burned his opponent in a flash.

The fireball was so quick, Qian Fuyou's opponent had no time to react to it, rolling on the ground in pain for a few moments, before realizing that he wasn't actually burning and that the pain was all but an illusion. As his opponent realized this, a chill was sent down their back, causing him to jump off the stage and forfeit immediately.

Obviously, the Talisman that was used was incredibly scary, causing him to feel pain from nothing more than an illusion. The illusion was incredibly real and lifelike, but neither his skin nor clothes had burnt at all. Facing such a thing, Qian Fuyou's opponent instantly forfeits in fright.

Leaving the stage after winning, Qian Fuyou left silently as the remaining battles for the first day continued. Soon, the first day was over, and the initial two-hundred-sixty-four was narrowed down by half. Leaving the arena, everyone watching went to rest early and wake up for the second day to start.

Arriving at the arena early for the second day, the seatings were filled up very quickly. Those who had lost the previous day stayed to watch those that they had lost against fight against stronger opponents who had also won the previous day.

Naturally, as a winner on the first day, Qian Fuyou was in the crowd waiting to draw another lot to determine his fighting order. Soon, Situ Kong arrived with a short speech to begin the second day, as the participants all drew lots.

Just like that, the second day was almost over. Yet again, Qin Fuyou's match was towards the end of the day. This time, his opponent was a Fourth Stage Noble who practiced the Way of Swords. Qian Fuyou stood on the stage as nonchalant as ever with his eyes completely shut. Not moving, he allowed his opponent to make the first move.

On the other side, Qian Fuyou's opponent moved. A sharp intent of swords surrounded his entire body, allowing him to take flight as if he was a Sword Sovereign. Pointing his finger forward, hundreds of swords suddenly appeared where he pointed, spinning rapidly and heading towards Qian Fuyou.

Seeing this, Qian Fuyou reacted. Before the swords reached him, a Talisman was seen in between his fingers. As he threw it forward, the Talisman turned to dust in the blink of an eye. As the incoming swords came closer, they suddenly vanished without a trace. Not even the Spiritual Qi remained.

As another Talisman flew out, a familiar large fireball flew across the sky towards Qian Fuyou's opponent. Just like the previous day, his opponent screamed and felt as though he was being burnt alive, only to realize it was all fake. Knowing that he had already lost, Qian Fuyou's opponent immediately jumped off the stage, allowing the former to move on to the next round.

After Qian Fuyou's match, Ning Lianqi who Yan Lenglei's group were familiar with had also ended. With her cultivation of a Third Stage Noble, she easily defeated her opponent who was a Fifth Stage Noble, bringing her to the next round, which was the top sixty-four.

Once the top sixty-four were decided, the next matches to determine the top thirty-two were held right after. Qian Fuyou and Ning Lianqi both won their matches once again, bringing them into the top sixteen, where the third and final day was when the battles to determine the top eight were held.


The next day, the final sixteen all arrived early. Each of the sixteen who remained up until this point were all exceptional geniuses and were the sons and daughters of heaven. Those who remained were all the top disciples who held high positions within the top sects or were from exceptional backgrounds that didn't pale in comparison to the sects. Of course, there was also Qian Fuyou who was from an unusual background.

Of the top sixteen, Qian Fuyou and Ning Lianqi had the lowest cultivation bases. The other fourteen were all at least Sixth Stage Nobles, while there were even a few Eight Stage Nobles and one Ninth Stage Noble.

Drawing a lot, Qian Fuyou picked up number six. Looking around, the person who drew number five and was his opponent saw his number. Qian Fuyou's opponent was one of the Seventh Stage Noble, one of the more powerful of the sixteen that remained. Even so, Qian Fuyou's expression didn't change, while his eyes were still completely shut.

As for Ning Lianqi, she was number one, while her opponent was also a Seventh Stage Noble. With her cultivation base, it was impossible for her to win, even if she could fight across levels. Taking the stage, Ning Lianqi didn't forfeit the match, since she had made it up to this point, she wanted to participate and fight till the end.

A gentle yet strong Water Spiritual Qi surrounded her body like a large bubble that protected her. A thin blue sword appeared in her hand as she pointed her sword forward and attacked. On the other side, her opponent who was dressed extravagantly in golden robes drew his weapon. A bright golden spear appeared in his hands, as he pointed his spear forward without any special movements. Even though his movement was simple, a powerful and sharp piercing aura that could only come from those who practiced in the Way of Spears formed and shot through the air from the tip of his golden spear.

As the powerful piercing force of Ning Lianqi's opponent shot forward, Ning Lianqi met with it head-on. The bubble around her became denser and protected her, while large streams of Water Qi shot out like dragons towards her opponent.


As the Water Qi shot towards her opponent, Ning Lianqi could see that the powerful Spear Qi pierced through her own attack as if it was tofu, rushing towards her shield and also piercing through that. Fortunately, her opponent had shown mercy and aimed at a spot that wouldn't injure her in the slightest.

Moments later, the young man withdrew his spear and lowered his arms. At the same time, Ning Lianqi stored her sword and came down the stage after her loss. Soon, the battle between two people at the Seventh Stage of the Noble Realm began, which was more intense than the first match since they were of similar levels. Ultimately, one person won in the end after a long battle, allowing him to move to the top eight.

Now, it was Qian Fuyou's match. Standing on the stage, his hands were placed behind his back, and stood across his opponent who was fifth mini realms above his own cultivation level. Even so, he didn't seem to take it seriously and looked casual about it.

Of course, in the crowd, Yan Lenglei and Mo Jidong didn't blame him. With their eyes, they could see that Qian Fuyou could even defeat Eight Stage Nobles, let alone a Seventh Stage Noble who was only so-so within the realm.

Once again, Qian Fuyou allowed his opponent to make the first move. Instantly, a sharp wind, as well as crimson flames erupted from his opponent at the same time. Obviously, his opponent was one that had mastery over two elements. With wind and fire together, the strength of fire would increase naturally.

If one were observant enough, they would realize that this young man's flames were much weaker than his wind, if they were even, he could fight against opponents that were stronger than himself. As sharp winds rushed out, a large tornado of wind was formed, spinning around on the stage. With a flick, flames lit up and fused together with the tornado, becoming a fire tornado that rampaged across the stage.

Pointing forward, his opponent said, "Go.", as the fire tornado moved and aimed at Qian Fuyou. Moving his hand, Qian Fuyou held a Talisman in between his fingers, as a golden sphere appeared around his entire body. Not only that, another Talisman was thrown forward, turning into a large formation of swords that aimed at his opponent. Adding another Talisman on top, the thousands of swords that suddenly appeared glew with golden light and became more powerful and sharp.


As the fire tornado hit, a loud crash was heard. At the same time, a strange sound of something grinding could be heard. Looking on the stage, everyone could see that the fire tornado was actually clashing against the golden sphere over and over again without being able to move forward.

At the same time, they could see that the golden swords that numbered thousands had surrounded his opponent and aimed at and just inches away from his throat. As the fire tornado dispersed, so did the golden sphere around Qian Fuyou, and the thousands of silver-gold swords.

Obviously, the outcome of this match was determined. Shock appeared in the eyes of everyone watching. Obviously, they had known that Qian Fuyou was extremely tyrannical and could even defeat those at a higher stage than himself. The Talismans he used were ones that were engraved by himself and only activated with his own powerful Spiritual Qi.

As a Second Stage Noble, he was actually able to defeat a Seventh Stage Noble! This monstrous talent was even higher than Ning Lianqi, who was famous for being the most talented Spiritual Cultivator within the entire Great Solar Realm.

Hopping off the stage, Qian Fuyou didn't seem to care about the stares that were aimed at him, sitting down and waiting for the next matches. After this day, Qian Fuyou's name would be famous throughout the entire Great Solar Realm.