
Jack and Mac were armed, Jack had his trusty double-barrel shotgun and Mac had Jack's spare pistol, Jack wasn't exactly a gun-man and only had two guns for the safety of his family but he understood how to use one. "Ughhhhh, how much longer!" Mac moaned.

"Probably about… Thirty minutes?" Jack replied, obviously bored with Mac's continuous complaining.

Mac dragged his feet after every step; it had probably been about two hours since they started walking. They walked and walked and walked, about every five or so minutes, Mac kept on complaining about how long the walk was until they reached the shop. Mac couldn't believe his eyes, he attempted to jump up and down out of pure excitement but he didn't have enough energy.

The thought yet again hit Mac, 'Why did I not see any demons on the way here?' He was going to ask Jack about it, but he thought Jack wouldn't know the answer anyway.

They entered the dark shop, and Mac yet again wanted to bound up and down out of pure excitement, but spotted some energy drink and used the last little bit of his energy to charge towards the energy drink, he felt as if he just resurrected, slumping over to relax his legs.

Jack, on the other hand, was looking around for the most important things he can get, water, canned foods, toiletry, ESC. Jack had his shotgun holstered on his waist, just-in-case something happened when all of a sudden, he heard a sound.

Jack dropped the water bottle he was holding and put both hands on his shotgun, he looked around. A pair of red eyes appeared; he got ready to shoot until he saw two more pairs of red eyes appear. Three demons. They all slowly started surrounding him; Jack needed to think of something, and fast. If he shot the one in front of him, the other two would pounce on him, if he shot either one of the ones next to him, the other two demons would get him.

Jack couldn't shout for Mac's help either, these demons were just like any normal beast, they were smart. Weighing his options, there was only one left. He spun around and… ran! There was no other choice, with Mac's help it may have been possible to defeat the demons, but on his own it was impossible. Jack heard the scattering of claws and saliva smacking the shop floor, Jack screamed out "Mac! Run to the entrance, now!"

Mac may have been rather clumsy, but he knew a dangerous call when he heard one. He bolted towards the entrance, the two met each other outside and spun towards the entrance, now they were back together and could see what they were doing, the probability of surviving this day was much higher than before. They were ready to shoot… but nothing came out of the building, all they could see were some glowing eyes far in the shop. Mac was the first to speak, "Hey, why aren't they coming out?"

It finally hit Jack and Mac, why they hadn't seen any demons on the way here and why these demons aren't coming outside; their biggest weakness was… the sun! The demons seemed to be conversing, one of them started moving closer, whilst the others moved backward. Jack started to doubt his realization, were they really weak to the sun? Or were they just planning something?

The two demons still in the dark, had a look of disappointment whilst the other one who was edging closer, had a great big smirk across its face. "I'm coming for you, lunch!" The demon screamed as it was getting ready to pounce. Jack had his gun ready, just in case he was wrong; but the moment the demon pounced towards Mac and Jack, his body almost seemed to be fading away. The great big grin on its face disappeared into dust, as did the rest of its body. The demons smirked as the other demon died; one of them said "Come at us, pussies!"

This comment irritated Jack quite a bit, whilst Mac didn't care. Mac was just happy that he was safe whilst in the sun.

Jack whispered something to Jack and then responded to the demons saying "You want a piece of me? Take this!"

Jack pulled the pinout of the flashbang he had and threw it straight into the shop. It landed right before the demons, it took them a moment to realize what was going on, but by the time they did, it was already too late. As the flashbang exploded, Jack shouted "Now!"

Mac and Jack ran towards the blinded demons with their guns in hand, ready to kick some ass.