The next morning came all too quickly, and Lark was awoken soon after sunrise by Ariane. She washed her face and combed her hair as Ariane laid her dress out on the bed. The simple dark cotton was soft against Lark's skin and a flattering cut, cinched at the waist with a delicate woven belt. She piled her hair on top of her head and Ariane handed her pins to keep it in place. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror as Ariane led her from the room. She was surprised by her own appearance. She had never worn such fine garments and always let her hair fall free. She looked like an entirely different person.
Ariane led her through the hall and down a long passage to a heavy wooden door. As she pushed it open, she revealed a small room with large windows, dominated by large bookshelves and a sturdy desk where a handsome older man sat expectantly, a tea cup held delicately in his fingers. Ariane curtsied politely and Lark hastened to copy her. The man could see the new pet was anxious, and gestured towards the seat opposite his with a reassuring smile. Ariane swept from the room as Lark sat and folded her hands in her lap.
"Lark?" the man addressed her, reading her name from a piece of parchment on the desk. She nodded.
"I am Bernard," he explained. "I will be your tutor for today. You will attend lessons in the evening as well, with Madame Fawst. Unfortunately I have never become skilled in embroidery or art." He seemed unimpressed at the very idea. Resting his cup in its saucer he observed her more closely. "Do you have any education?"
Lark flushed slightly. She had not had the privilege to have an education with her humble upbringing. She shook her head.
"I can embroider fairly well," she elaborated. "And I enjoy reading and writing. But I only learned through my own effort." Bernard seemed both pleased and disappointed.
"Well I cannot teach you what you do not wish to learn," he said, waving a hand dismissively. "At least if you are eager you can learn something."
He rose from his seat and crossed the room to the bookcase, selecting several volumes. He placed them on the desk.
"These are your first required readings. A history of your lord's territory and some of his favorite novels as well. Be prepared to review this material by next week." Lark nodded but Bernard noticed her confused expression.
"The Lord is an avid reader," he clarified. "Books are his favorite discussion topic. You should review them." She nodded. He dismissed her and she gathered the books in her arms and found her way back to her room where she spread them out on her bed. Bernard had explained that she would be expected in the courtyard for evening lessons but she was free until then. She considered that her short interaction with Bernard might indicate that these first tasks were a test. Still consumed with planning her escape, she worried that she wouldn't have ample time to read them all. She grabbed a book of sonnets which lay closest to her, turning it over in her hands. She had never held such an expensive book. It was bound in finely tooled leather with gilded pages. She recognized the author. Shakespeare.
Holding the book to her chest she stepped into the hall and saw that the dining table had been laid with breakfast dishes. She selected a few pieces of fruit and settled down into one of the plush chairs to read. The other pets were still in their rooms, all of them sleeping save for Ariane, who was tending her flower garden in the courtyard. Lark read quietly for several hours as the other girls in the harem woke up, ate breakfast, and chatted on the edge of the pool. They acknowledged her with a polite greeting but left her in peace until she finally retired to her room to arrange the books neatly on a small table. Checking her dress and hair in the mirror, she then left to find the courtyard. Madame Fawst was likely awaiting her.
She was directed by the many guards, who indicated which route to take to reach her destination. As she stepped out into the courtyard she couldn't hide a smile as the sun washed over her. The air was warm and fragrant, perfumed by large swathes of flowers. Ariane still wandered through the blooms, watering them and singing quietly. A severe older woman sat stiffly on a garden bend with a wooden trunk beside her. Lark stepped hesitantly closer to her before she was noticed. The woman rose to her feet and waved her over impatiently.
"Lark?" she barked. Larl nodded, curtsying clumsily. The Madame seemed unimpressed.
"Today we will focus on the basics of embroidery...and the proper way to curtsy." She raised a skeptical eyebrow before turning to the trunk. She opened it to reveal fabric, wooden frames, and thread. She began to explain the function of each item as Lark sat quietly beside her. She was already fairly accomplished in embroidery but did not want to offend her tutor. Madame Fawst handed her a prepared hoop and threaded needle and began describing basic stitches. Lark deftly demonstrated each one. For a moment, a small smile lit up the Madame's face. She nodded approvingly.
"So you have some experience?" she asked wryly. Lark nodded.
"It was a childhood hobby," Lark admitted. "But I have never stopped practicing." Madame Fawst handed her a selection of embroidery patterns, choosing the more complex compositons.
"Copy one of these," she instructed. "Choose carefully and stay close to the original design. You may select other colors but they must be complimentary. Understood?" Lark chose a pattern depicting a bird surrounded by flowers and a cage of golden thread. She felt much like this wretched creature, imprisoned in such a beautiful cage. Madame Fawst approved her selection and spent their remaining hour teaching Lark to curtsy more gracefully. She was strict and disciplined, tapping Lark's legs with a rod to move her into the perfect positions. It was nearly dark before she was satisfied.
Exhausted once again, Lark brought her embroidery materials back to the harem hall, feeling a small sense of relief at being able to enjoy a familiar activity. Night had fallen by the time she had bid the other harem girls goodnight and retreated to her room. She had missed dinner due to her lessons but greedily ate the plate arranged for her. But as she settled into bed her mind was racing. Fighting off sleep, she wondered when she would finally meet the master. He was still away but soon he would return to finally claim her. Too nervous to ask the other girls about his character, she had no idea what he was like. Her fear of vampires had only worsened following the attack in the woods the previous morning. Would he also be nothing but a monster?