Chapter One: :Home Sweet Home'

''Oh my god! Where the hell am I? I'm drowning, I can't swim! Help! I can't breathe, I'm going to die! No, no, I'm too young to die, there are still so many things I want to do...''

''Open your eyes Arielle, Arielle''

Someone is yelling my name and shaking me constantly. Oh my, What if it's the devil? Has he risen up from the flames to reap me? NO, I don't want to go to hell...

''For God's sake, open your eyes Arielle''

Wait, it's a familiar voice. I slowly open my eyes and see the worried face of my mom. Thank god, this means it was just a bad dream. But who are these other, unfamiliar, faces staring at me? What are these people doing in my bedroom? I look around the room and then it hits me. I'm not in my bedroom, I'm on the airplane...

''Are you alright honey?'' My mom asks me with a worried look on her face.

''Yeah, I'm fine,'' I whisper.

''Can I get you anything, ma'am?'' A lady who I assume is the airhostess asks me.

''Can I get a glass of water please?'' I ask her with a hoarse voice. I feel like I haven't had something to drink in ages. My tongue feels like a piece of sandpaper

As soon as the lady gives me the water I take a large gulp from it. It feels like angels are pissing on my tongue. There is nothing quite like some cool water when you're dying of thirst. I thank the lady for the water and look at the worried faces of my parents.

''Are you alright? We can call for paramedics if you're not!'' My dad says.

''I'm fine dad,'' I reply. Everyone is staring at me like I'm some sort of alien. C'mon people, the show's over, move along!

''I'm so sorry everyone but my daughter had a panic attack, she is alright now.'' My dad shouts at the other passengers. Thank god, now everyone can head back to their own business. Nosy folks.

''The flight is going to land soon honey, so buckle up!'' my mom chirps.

Why am I on a plane you may ask? Well, my parents and I are going back to our home town in Oregon after two years of living away. We had to move to Florida for my father's work. He is a financial manager at Samsung and they have their branches everywhere. Although we didn't want to move mydad's career comes first. But now we're moving back and they are both really happy.

Not me though. I'm not overly cheery though. I quite liked living in Florida. I had some great experiences there! Life with my aunt and her son James was adventurous. My cousin James has an amazing group of friends who took me in in a heartbeat. I actually really wanted to stay. But my extra-ever loving family thought differently though. My parents realized it's the last year we can spend together, cause I'm graduating and leaving for university next year, and wanted to spend it with just the three of us. More family quality time, just the three of us. And it could be arranged since my dad is no longer needed in Florida.

Honestly speaking, although it may sound cheesy, I kind of get why they want to do this. And I can make peace with it.

Soon after my mom told me to buckle up we indeed arrived at Portland International Airport. After collecting our luggage we hopped into the cab that was already waiting for us, ready to go.

The thirty minute drive home feels like hours. The cab isn't going fast enough if you ask me. The entire drive I have felt absolutely dreadful, probably because of the jet-leg. I just want to get home and crawl into my bed. All the while my parents have too big, bright smiles on their faces. Like two little children in a candy-shop.

Eventually we do get to our 'home sweet home'. I open the side door of the cab and can barely stand straight up, that's how tired I am. My dad and the cab driver get the luggage, dad hands him some money with a big smile on his face. Meanwhile my mom is literally gawking at our house. Like, sometimes I seriously doubt if my parents know they are two fully-grown adults...

''Mom, are we going to go inside or are we just going to do a stare down with the house?'' I ask her a little impatiently because it's freaking Sunday morning and I'm not getting my precious sleep. I ain't got time for this!

''Yeah, I'm sorry hon. It's just, you know, a little emotional to see our house again after all this time.'' She sobbingly says. She is literally crying, ugh!

''Of course, we understand sweetie. Take your time we are in no hurry.'' Dad caresses her rubbing his hand gently on her back. God, what am I going to with these two. They are so melodramatic...

Eventually my mother recovers from her emotional state and sticks her hand into her purse, trying to dig out the keys to the front door. When she finally finds them she opens the door with trembling hands.

We aren't too rich, but we can live alright.My family really values a classy look so interior wise our house basically looks like a mansion. I was expecting a lot of dust, or a not so graceful odour but our house is looking really clean and fresh! It looks like someone has just cleaned it yesterday! Everything is dusted off and the floor is as shiny as a mirror!

''I asked Marissa if she could clean the house for us," my mom tells me after she sees me and my dad's confused looks. Marissa is my mom's best friend and also the mother of my best friend, Cassandra, who lives two blocks away.

I badly want to surprise Cassandra, or 'Sandy' as I call her, with my coming back, so I had already warned everyone to not spill the beans and mess it up.

''Honey, you should rest,'' my mom says, scanning her surroundings to see if everything is still to her liking.

''Yeah, I second that,'' I say. I tell my parents sweet dreams and use every last bit of my energy to run up to my room. I come to a halt in front of my bedroom and slowly open the door. I step inside and am overflown by memories. It's exactly the same as how I left it two years ago. The same purple and white coloured walls, although maybe a little less bright. The big king sized bed with my favourite Disney Princess bed sheets, yes I'm still obsessed with them, even if I'm conventionally too old for them. My closet, although empty, my study table and my book shelf, filled with books I've read at least a thousand times. Not literally, obviously.

Other than Sandy my room is the only thing I've really missed.

''Time for a nap Arielle,'' the voice in my head sounds. I throw myself on my comfy bed and instantly sleep like a grizzly during hibernation.



I've slept through the entire day by the time my mom wakes me up. It is seven in the evening. Groaning loudly I lazily get out of bed and head towards the bathroom to fresh myself up. I brush my teeth, take a long, hot shower and put on my nice fluffy lion-king pyjamas. My stomach is growling loudly. I realize I haven't eaten anything all day so I hurry down stairs to get some food.

Downstairs I can hear noises in the living room. When I come closer I see my parents sitting with Marissa and Philip, Marissa's husband. When they hear my footsteps their heads shoot in my direction.

''Oh my God! Philip look how much she has grown up!'' Marissa chirps with happiness as she attacks me with her strong, mama bear hug.

''I've... miss.. ed you.. ehh.. too.. but could.. you.. ehh?'' I stumble out. She is chocking me with her strong hug. It's getting hard to breathe.

''Marissa could you release the poor girl. Give her some space to breathe,'' Philip says while he tries to get his wife to loosen her grip on me.

''I'm sorry dear. I'm just so happy to see you after such a long time.'' She apologises with a sweet smile on her face.

''It's Okay, Marissa,'' I gasp.

''Aye, don't forget me, I missed you too Arielle!'' Philip grins as he side hugs me with a heart-warming smile on his face.

These people aren't just my best friend's parents and my mom's best friends, they are like my second family. They were always there, in the good and the bad times. Sandy is not only my friend but she is my sister from another mister. We share everything. We know each other's deepest, darkest secrets. But a disclaimer, I actually don't have any secrets. I'm like an open book.

''Alright, alright enough with the reunion. Let's eat something now,'' my dad says loudly to gain everyone's attention.

''Yeah, I've baked you your favourite chocolate cake Arielle,'' Marissa says, beaming with happiness.

''Cakeeee! Thank you so much Marissa!'' I call out. Marissa's cakes are like actual heaven. So superbly delicious.

''Hey, you're welcome girl. You know how much I love to bake, it's nothing really,'' she responds happily.

''Well, basically she loves to bake for you and Cassandra because you know what? She didn't even let me have a taste,'' Philip complains with a pout.

''Aye, come on Philip, don't worry. I'm sure Arielle here will share something with us,'' my dad says overly sympathetic to his friend ,eying my chocolate cake.

''NO, no!'' I shout as I take the plate on which my precious chocolate cake lays in all its glory and start eating with my hands. ''Marissa has baked this for me. I'm not going to share with anyone!'' I snort as I keep eating like a pig. I can see the teasing smiles on everyone's faces.

''Stop eating like a cavewoman Arielle, no one is going to eat your cake!'' Mom bites at me, still hiding the small smile on her face.

''I'm missing Cassandra so much now,'' Marissa says. Hearing her name makes me stop eating. I've missed her too, a lot...

''Yeah,'' Philip replies. ''but tomorrow she is going to be here with us.''

''And we are going to enjoy that so much!'' My mom giggles like a teenage girl.

''Yes cause finally you people are here. So this year is going to be a total blast!'' Marissa too giggles with the same giggly voice.

''Hell yeah!'' Both my dad and Philip loudly agree as they fist bump.

I look at them in disbelieve, fist bumping?!

You see, as I'm talking about these people you have to realize that this is my life. These people, that still act as if they are a bunch of high school teenagers, are my family. Only Sandy can understand me. She feels the same way about our parents. We have to go through these acts of childishness together.

I remember when we were twelve years old our parents dressed up as freaking Disney princesses and princes for Halloween. And not only that, no, they literally had to go trick or treat at every house in our neighbourhood with us to show us how to really enjoy Halloween. We were twelve!

Seriously Sandy if you can, for some reason, hear me right now, come fast. How the hell can you leave me here alone to suffer. How can you leave me alone with these crazy adult-children making plans for our senior year.

As I'm exiting the room after dinner I give everyone a tight hug and murmur a good night. I go up to my room and lock the door. Finally I'm in the silence of my own room again, away from those children. It's only ten p.m. and I've slept for the entire day already so I don't think sleep is going to come to me anytime soon. The only option that remains for me is to put on Netflix. So I place myself on my bed an search for a good movie.

After watching three to four movies, of which of course some Disney, I am struggling to keep my eyes open. I check the time on my phone and it's already three in the morning. I seriously need to catch some sleep, tomorrow is the first day of school. I place my laptop on my night stand, wrap myself in the warmth of my blanket and doze off to sleep.




I wake up to a loud knocking on my door. ''Definitely not Satan '' I joke silently as my brain is defogging.

''Arielle, come on, its seven in the morning. You are going to be late for your first day of school!'' My mom screams through the door.

By hearing these words I'm wide awake.

''Yeah, I'll be down in ten!'' I shout back at her. I hurry towards the bathroom and brush my teeth while the water is getting hot in the shower. I get in and out in five minutes, run to the moving-box with some of my clothing and put on the first things that I get my hands on. Some smokey-black jeans, a pink flowy top, my black leather jacket and some dark-red pumps. I drag a comb through my hair and put it in a high ponytail. I glance over myself in the mirror, not bad.

I run down the stairs with two steps at a time, which is quite hard on these pumps. As I storm into the living room I am greeted by my father who is sitting at the dining table reading the news.

''Good morning sweetheart,'' he says with a big, bright smile on his face.My mom is in the kitchen cooking breakfast. I can already smell what it is... Bacon and fried eggs.

''Good morning dad,'' I say as I give him a kiss on the cheek. I grab an apple from the fruit basket and take a bite.

''Mom, don't make anything for me. I'm running late and I'll probably get something at Sandy's house,'' I say while chewing on the piece of apple.

''Oh, okay,'' my mom says as she walks over to me and gives me a hug. ''Best of luck on your first day of your last year of high school at a new school,'' she jokes as she pats my back and gives me a thumbs up.

''And yeah... be a good girl,'' dad smirks at me from behind. The reason for his smirk is that being a good girl is the last thing he wants me to do.

''Well of course daddy!'' I play along with him. Basically my dad is the exact opposite from other parents. Other parents will scold their children if they do anything bad like: 'getting detention, bad-mouthing a teacher, sneaking away in the middle of the night, skipping classes, going to late-night parties' well, you get the idea.

These are not things I came up with. These are all things my father has suggested to me. Crazy right? But what can I say. He may be crazy but it's actually really awesome that I have a dad that cuts me some slack, or a lot of slack. And for this I love him very much, for this though.

After hugging both my parents one last time I hurry out of the house and get to my car. I open the passenger side, throw my bag on the seat, walk over to the driver's side, open the door and take place. I strap my seatbelt on, put the key in the ignition, take a deep breath and drive off to Sandy's house.


Hello readers, this is your writer. I want to clear some points here..

-this is an original story from my own cliche imagination.

-Updates will be between Saturday or Sunday.

-This story is also available on Wattpad ( not finished yet)

-Being amateur writer I know I am lacking too much so I'll appreciate you suggestion if you have any but I won't tolerate any negative comments.

Thank you for reading.