Chapter Six : Truth of James's arrival

"Ouch" I yelp in pain.

I knew something like this would happen. I lazily get up from the floor where I have been abruptly kicked by my very best friend Sandy. Did I tell you that she has a very bad habit of moving her legs in sleep? I guess no right. Anyway, no one can change her stupid habit. Its only 6:30, I have enough time. So I push sandy to her side of bed and tuck myself under the warmth of my blanket.

"Cassie, Arielle come on get up sweethearts" and when I was thinking that I'm finally going to get some sleep there is always someone to ruin that

"I'm sorry, sorry, I didn't steal anything?!Please believe me" sandy woke up screaming loudly.

"God why are you screaming?"I yell covering my ears with pillow.

Hearing my voice she looks at me like she has seen something weird. She scans our surrounding like a hawk. "I'm not at the museum?" she asks

"Does this room look like a museum to you?"

"No. thank god it was just a dream" she sighs in relief.

"It was but you ruin my dream of having peace for some minutes. By the way what was you dream about?" I ask removing the pillow from my ears.

"I was in some art museum admiring everything and out of sudden from where I don't know but two to three cops were running toward me. They cuffed my hands and started pulling me toward exit. And they were constantly reporting to someone that they found thief and they are coming to jail. And everyone started to call me thief, like everyone in that museum was yelling screaming at me. I was so terrified Bunny. For a minute I was imagining my life in jail and that was a horrible scenario. You know what I have decided that I'm not going to visit any museum in my life." She starts to babble her dream. And I was trying my hard to control my laugh.

"What a weird dream?!" I say shoving my face in pillow in a way she will not see my unsuccessful attempts to stop my laugh.

"I know right" she says "are you laughing at me ARIELLE YOUNG?" she whines when she see myself hiding with the help of pillow.

I start to laugh because my cover is blown up already so why should I hide my laugh now. She was firing dagger at me.

"It's not funny." She grits through her teeth.

"I'm sorry sorry" I say suppressing my laugh.

"Are you two up or not?" mom asks opening the front door of my room. 'Oh good. You're up already. Go get freshen up quickly I'll make breakfast for you!" and she turns to leave.

"I'm taking my bath first" Sandy says and without waiting for my reply she runs toward bathroom.

Finally now I can spend seven minutes in heaven, like more than seven minutes because as per I know sandy she is going to take long time for her bath.



"God Arielle, get your ass up. Don't be a sleeping beauty. It's already 7 in the clock" I heard frustrated sigh from someone and next thing my source of warmth was roughly pulled away from my side.

"What the hake is everyone's problem?" I open my eyes to yell at her but no words came out from my mouth because she was looking so gorgeous. "Why are you wearing my clothes?"

"Do you forgot I don't have my clothes in your house, so I had to borrow this from your closet" she simply reply meanwhile folding my blanket in proper manner.

"They look good on you even better than me" she is wearing a simple white sweatshirt and a black denim skirt, simple but cool.

"Why thank you my friend."

"Someone's going to get a lot of attention today" I tease her while selecting something white same as her for me to wear. I select a blue jeans and white tee for my today's look.

"Who don't like attention my darling" she smirks at me.

You just want attention,

You don't want my heart

I start to sing some lines from attention by Charlie Puth and enter myself into bathroom.

"I'm nothing like that song okay?" I hear her screaming from behind the closed doors.

"Ohw I'm not saying that you're anything like that song. And don't tell me you forgot that we used to sing like this on a random word or phrase every time." I say peeking through the small opening from my bathroom door.

"Yeah I didn't but I thought you did" she says closing her eyes like she is remembering our old memories.

"Okay enough with the sentiments let me get ready if you don't want to get late" I close the door with that.

After taking a quick bath of five minutes I quickly get dressed and apply some eyeliner to my eyes and my favorite strawberry lip-gloss to my rosy lips. And taking my bag pack I went downstairs to feel up my body with some food. Sandy, James and my parents were already started their breakfast.

"I'm sorry for being late" I say entering. Dad gave me a big smile which means 'it's not a big deal'

"It's alright but tomorrow on I don't want this happening again. Got it?" mom asks as she place a plate of waffles and a cup of coffee in front of me. I just nod because all my focus is on my breakfast.

Sweets are love of my life

"Well rise and shine little mermaid" James says.

By hearing his voice I stop my cruel act of food murder and look at James, really look at him."Ohw good morning to you too James. I thought you left already?!" I say narrowing my eyes at him.

"And why that thought came into your head?" he asks confused.

"It's nothing. I was just kidding." I lie because I don't want to discuss this in front of everyone.

Everyone was looking at me with confused expression. Ignoring all of it I started to eat my breakfast because food is life my dear friends. After finishing our breakfast we both bid our goodbyes to my parents and James. Taking place in my car, we rode toward school.

I hope that I'll get a chance to apologize to Eric and end this chapter of ours which started so badly. When we reach toward school i park my car and we both walk toward school.

Sandy and I we both head to our first class and surprisingly i did not get a single glance from any of the 'The Dagger' guys in hallways and in any of my class. However, i was hearing some new chaos about some race that happened last night.




Finally, time for lunch. I hurriedly pack my bag and walk towards cafeteria. Zach and Carol were already seated in their regular place. Cam was nowhere in scene and Sandy is in queue taking something for lunch. It was quite a big line. If I go in queue now it will probably take 15-20 minutes. And who is ready to wait till that. Therefore, I walk toward sandy and hand her some bill to take my lunch too.

Smart i know...

After taking our lunch we head towards our lunch table. Zach was showing something to Carol in his phone.

"What are you guys watching?"I ask curiously, taking my seat

"Last night's race" Zach answers smiling.

"I saw that video too, it was hilarious," Sandy says.

"Let me see "I ask them and Carol hands me the phone.

"It's the video of last night's bike race at riverside track. You three should have joined us it was so thrilling this time." Zach informs us.

"I had no idea that there was any race last night. But I promise I'll come next time whenever it'll happen." I say.

"I was having small get together with my relatives, so it was impossible for me." Carol says.

"Who is the new guy in this video? He totally nailed that race." Sandy asks him.

"I don't know. I have never seen him here. Because of him I lost some of my money. But I must agree he totally nailed that race." He replies.

"That's why Cam was so angry this morning" Carol mumbles to herself nodding her head in recognition of something.

"What money?" I ask them still engrossed in that video. There is something similar about this guy. The video is too dark and crowded and that's why I can't see anything clearly.

"My money was on Cam but he came second because of this guy. He surely knows how to bike race. And I think he was with 'The Daggers', maybe their new gang member" he says.

"I'm sure Cam must be firing bullets everywhere. And what about car race?" Sandy says.

"After bike race I don't how but we heard police sirens so everything just stopped and people were trying to save their ass. So maybe they will hold that race another day."

"Poor Cam." She sighs.

I was at the end of the video and I saw something similar. That dude who won the bike race has his face covered with helmet and he is wearing everything Black but his shoes, they look so familiar.

Dang. I know who he is. But what was he doing with The Daggers? How he know them?

"What did you said?" Someone was yelling.

I turn my head everywhere to search the source of that voice and I saw group of four girls surrounding around the centre table yelling at a girl who is seating alone. But why are they yelling at her?! She is in my English class. I think her name is Bella. She is also new like me I guess.

"Looks Ashley is back" Sandy says in bored tone.

"Who is she?" I ask.

"No one important" she says.

"Oh really?" I ask narrowing my eyes.

"She is Ashley Brown. She is captain of the cheerleading and dancing team. She thinks she own the school because her father is our principal. But I like her dressing sense sometimes." Carol says.

"Oh so she is the frog-head!!" I say in recognition laughing my ass off.

On a serious note she is beautiful, really she is! But I don't how Carol likes her dressing sense.

"Yeah she is the one" Zach laughs.

"Could we please not talk about her?!" Sandy grits, glaring at Ashley.

"Okay okay" I say controlling my laugh." But why is she cornering her, that girl Bella? I think we should do something."

"Don't think about that, you don't want to get on her bad side. You are already quite famous because of yesterday's stunt and you are already in her hate list because of that," Carol says.

"Hey that was not my fault entirely. And how I am on her hate list? I didn't do anything to her yet" I ask.

"You did nothing Arielle but Ashley thinks that every rich, popular boy is her man only. So she must be thinking you're trying to steal her man." Zach says shrugging.

"I can never understand that bitch's logic" Sandy says shaking her head.

"So I think it's time that we should teach her some lesson because I don't care if I'm on her hate list or any other stupid list." I say getting up from my seat and walk towards Ashley's group.

Sandy and Zach joins me too, I don't know where Carol went and I think she don't like such type of drama. Good for her then that she left because let me tell you I can be a good drama queen when I want to. Ashley emptied her bottle of cola on that poor girl. Bella whips her face and stare at Ashley with pure hate.

Arghh what's wrong with the people in this school!!

I walk past all of them and push Ashley to side.

"Hey are you alright?" What a dumb question Arielle. Of course she is not fine.

"I'm sorry of course you're not fine. Let me help you." Bella offers me small smile.

Sandy hands her some napkins. And Zach just stands there awkwardly not knowing what to do.

"What the heck do you think you're doing?" Ashley scowls at me.

Ignoring her I grab Bella's bag and motion Zach to take her outside'.

"No way in hell I'm going to miss this cat fight. Let Cassie take her" he argues.

God, he is so childish.

"Hey I'm talking to you bitch!! Are you a deaf or what?" Ashley snaps.

"What?" I yell frustrated.

Taken back she stares at me with shocked expression but she is quick to hide that before anyone can see her.

"Who the hell do you think you are to talk me in this tone? Do you know who are you talking to?" She yells making everyone silence.

"I don't think actually because I very well know who I am! But about you, I'm not sure. And you know what, seriously speaking I don't give a damn who are you!" I glare at her.

With that saying I turn to leave the cafeteria. But her next words stop me to the ground.

"Oh is that so?! Then it's time to show you who I am!" She tries to threaten me.

I turn myself to face her again. "So what are going to do now?! Pour another bottle of soda on my head too?"

"Oh darling this nerd is quite lucky that I just pour soda on her head. But with you have other options like detention of every day or suspension." She says proudly in her queen bee tone.

"Arielle lets go, don't take this that far."Zach says pulling me towards him.

"I would love to see that bitch's defeated face but I think Zach is right, that bitch and her father are both frog-heads and I don't want my friend getting detention on her first week." Sandy whines.

Let me think, is getting detention or suspension is worth of seeing Ashley's defeated face? And anyway what she'll tell her dad? That someone doesn't know who she is so give her detention.

"Hey thank you for helping me but I don't want someone getting suspended because of me."Bella pleads.

"Hey people, that new guy from last night's race is here in parking lot" before I can reply to anyone a girl shouts from the door creating chaos among all the girls.

"I want to know how he looks, let's go" Zach and Sandy excitedly says and grabbing my hand, they turn to leave.

"Seriously you people think he will meet you. We are popular, rich people. We don't need people like you surrounding us. Loner outcasts." Ashley spits, smirking at her own bullish thoughts ,she tries to make herself more presentable.

"And how do you know that he is like you Ashley? Do you know him? And if yes then what are you doing with loner outcasts like us? Shouldn't you be with him or he doesn't have any interest in bitch like you" I spat.

And without waiting for her reply I turn towards exit again.

"That was awesome" Zach says hugging me from side.

"That bitch is big fat liar and she loves to manipulate anyone to get what she wants, and you totally won this fight" sandy says joining our hands "and anyway I too want to see that guy from race".

"Yeah me too" Bella mumbles shyly.

"Bella this is Sandy and he is Zach" I introduce them to her.

"Hey Bell's welcome to our group" sandy says happily.

"Even though only half of the group is present here" Zach says.

"I know you guys and it's really nice having some friends in high school, it make life little better yknow"she sighs.

"Don't feel so low okay? If you have any problem then never hesitate to contact me" I say giving her my full smile.

"Oh my god!!"

"What happen cassie? Why are you screaming , did you saw any ghost?" Zach yells at sandy, covering his ear.

"Is he is that guy from last night's race?" she asks looking at scene in front of us.

"Yeah. Why, do you know him?" he asks.

Sandy and I look at each other and nod our head.

"We just don't know him Zach we literally know him" I say and walk toward the crowd. Pushing every fan girl to side I find myself face to face with JAMES and carter. His expression changes instantly by seeing me.

"I can explain" he says raising his hands in defense.

"Oh you better have to." I say glaring at him.

"Come on people, the show and the lunch break is over. So fuck off." Carter says irritate to the crowd.

Hearing his voice everyone left the area instantly. Perks of being a gang member i guess.

"Thanks man" James says to carter he just gave a nod and then his eyes shift toward me I guess he will recognize me because of that stunt Eric pulled yesterday. Meanwhile sandy and Zach join me by my side "and this is Arielle my cousin and you must be knowing cassie as she goes to your school." Zach introduces us putting his arm on our shoulder and taking his place in the middle of us. I smile at carter but his attention was somewhere else, he was looking at sandy, more than where were James hands on her shoulder and I saw something in his eyes.

There is something fishy here...

"And who's this other two Arielle?"

"He is Zach and she's Bella" Sandy replies, I'm sure she was feeling uncomfortable because of Caters stare.

They do their hi and hello's and I throw dagger at my cousin by my eyes. Bell rings indicating that lunch break is over. "Guess we have to talk later, bye everyone" Zach says and Bella wave at us.

"You're not going?" James asks.

"No. I'm not. Now can we talk?" because Sandy and I have a spare class today.

"Yeah." He says nervously.

"Sorry sandy but I have to talk with him alone. It'll take a while"

"Sure I'll wait for you in the library. Bye" she says going toward the campus and I'm getting the feeling that carter is going to follow her. Anyway I go into my car and James follow me suit and take his place in the car.

"Look I was going to tell you--" I cut him in the middle. "How do you know them? The daggers?"

"I helped their leader once with something."

"Who? Eric?"

"No. Xa-but wait how do you know about them. It's just one day you being here"

"They have a quite reputation here you know."

"That I know"

"Don't you dare to change the topic? They are gang members James!! And why are you hanging around with those guys. I never asked you why do you race but this is something dangerous. And tell me why you are here James? And I want the real reason. Because I know you very well. You're not here for some vacation or you missed us because like you said its only been a one or maybe two days that we left Florida. So tell me why are you here?" I burst out all at once.

He was silent for moment. I thought i have to repeat my question but his next word froze me to my place. Like everything just stopped.

"Fine. You want to know why I'm here, right? Then I'm going to tell you, because someone's trying to kill me Arielle. Did you hear me? SOMEONE WANTS TO KILL ME".